Many Americans are standing helplessly on the sidelines as wayward philosophies are forced upon us as reality. One such absurdity that I find particularly infuriating is a constant, inescapable push to promote gender theory.
Several days ago, as I listened to a female athlete speak out against biological males competing in female sports I couldn’t help feeling sad and disappointed about the public condemnation she would soon endure. There is an epidemic of hateful, intolerant, and immoral behavior that inevitably surfaces when athletes or anyone strays from the accepted norms of thought.
Decades ago, when I was an athlete, journalists were less aggressively biased. Without their radical portrayal of commonplace beliefs, our citizens were better equipped to make their own decisions. If that previous media dynamic still existed, this detrimental trend that is clearly harmful to children could have been avoided.
From the time during which I played college athletics and present-day a large group of supposedly intelligent people have become blind to the fact that males are built differently than females. In terms of athletic advantage, examples include more muscle, larger frames, and greater lung capacity. Despite these advantages, males are being given a chance to shatter female records, strip away highly sought-after college scholarships, and, in contact sports, are putting women at risk of more devastating, long-lasting, or career-ending injuries.
So, as women’s rights are clearly being impeded, I have to ask… WHERE ARE ALL THE FEMINISTS!
It seems that some proud intellectuals, college students, professors, and young college graduates have traded common sense for a highly sought-after spot at the ‘cool kids’ table. It is there that they devise plans to save the world with counterintuitive solutions. My dad once told me that it’s easy to solve the world’s problems when you live in the confines of a university campus. Unfortunately, implementation of these solutions will often prove riddled with problems due to a lack of real-world experience and foresight. His wisdom has yet again been proven by a gender-inclusive solution that has compounded the problem to which they profess dedication.
My enlightenment of the significant corruption in our country was not well-timed. Exposing our leaders’ use of children for political purposes with little interest in their actual needs is of incredible importance to me. Issues like gender theory, COVID-19, and mRNA vaccines have revealed the innate negligence of media, government, and business leaders towards children. This reality is the driving force behind my desperate effort to be heard. Unfortunately, the same groups who have proven themselves unphased by the issues plaguing children have gained a seemingly insurmountable stranglehold on information, creating authority to manipulate ideology for their benefit.
But this will not stop me, because I’m sick and tired of the collateral damage resulting from this never-ending obsession with gender. My disgust has been enhanced by the recent announcement that gender-related hysterectomies are being offered at Boston Children’s Hospital. From what I’ve heard, reassignment is only done on those who are eighteen or older. Mastectomies, however, can be performed as young as 15 years old. Doctors, who swear to “do no harm or injustice” to their patients are deeming life-altering surgery that is not medically necessary as neither “harm” nor “injustice.” These are surgical procedures being done on young adults and children who according to New England Gender C.A.R.E could have received a gender-related “psychological” assessment as young as four-years-old.
What happens when you suggest something as ambiguous as gender identity to a four-year-old? Well, I have no doubt that a toddler can be swayed into believing this is their path. Will their therapist stand by some sort of ethical inclination to neither encourage nor disparage gender transition? I find that hard to believe since permanent, physical alteration to one’s body is clearly an accepted norm.
After the announcement of hysterectomy treatment, Boston Children’s Hospital Director of Gender Multispecialty Service (GeMS) – Doctor Jeremi Caswell released a video with insight into how a child can be identified as transgender. I have transcribed her words verbatim, so it is a bit choppy to read.
“A child will often know that they are transgender from the moment that they have any ability to express themselves. And parents will often tell us this. We have parents that tell us that their kids, they knew it from the minute they are born, practically. And actions like refusing to get a haircut, or standing to urinate, or trying to stand to urinate, or refusing to stand to urinate, trying on siblings’ clothing, playing with the “opposite gender” toys, things like that. There is more and more a group of adolescents that we are seeing that really are coming to the realization that they might be trans or gender diverse a little bit later on in their life. So what we’re seeing from them is that they always sort of knew something was maybe off and didn’t have the understanding to know that they might be trans or have a different gender identity than the one they have been assigned. So, that is a, a growing population that they are, that we are seeing and that is being recognized as being trans and able to be treated.”
If everything she says is true, I should have had a gender-related psychological assessment years ago for the following reasons: My best friend was a boy. I had short hair. I had a sheriff’s badge, holster, and cap gun. I played with He-Man and Skeletor action figures and a Castle Grayskull playset. I wanted to be a professional baseball player and I would have loved the ability to pee standing up as most females wish at some point in their lives. I cringe at the thought of what is being promoted today to kids who behave as I did in my youth. Someday, if I have a chance to meet Dr. Caswell, I would like to ask her if it is possible that this growing population of transitioning children could simply be tomboys; a name by which I was often referred. Is there a chance that this haste to introduce gender theory and perform gender-altering surgery could prove disastrous when their patients decide they want children and realize the tragic repercussions of a procedure doctors could have avoided?
It’s time to stop performing unnecessary surgeries on children and young adults and put more attention on our country’s massive drug addiction problem and the border crossings that are integral to this predicament. It’s time to use our voices to demand accountability for COVID-19. And it’s time for doctors to pay attention to the clear dangers of mRNA vaccines. Our pronoun lovers have deemed these serious issues less important than reporting on the evil citizens who refuse to refer to people by their preferred pronouns, who show no sympathy towards the males that are bravely competing in female sports, or who question the virtuosity of dismembering children.
Gender identity is one item on a long list of issues that are fracturing a democracy that once created a human bond, crossing political lines through the common understanding that our freedom was precious. Today, be it lack of understanding or intentional manipulation, the media’s simplification of problems veils the replacement of democracy for dictatorship by making it easier to form one group opinion. This also creates an unquestioned disgust for those who disagree and an acceptable reason for the intrusion of outside thinkers into familial relationships.
I hope that before too many young people are stripped of their ability to reproduce, the doctors who are performing these surgeries will recognize that they are not only removing body parts but they are eliminating any future opportunity to experience the parent/child bond; one that grounds us through love that supersedes anything else; one that both softens us and makes us fierce; one that establishes meaningful priorities.
For anyone who may be reading this article in hopes of ripping it apart and calling me names, I hope you will first take time alone with your thoughts. Ignore what other people have told you and ask; Are you happy? Are you on a journey of your own making, or someone else’s? Are you living a truly free life, or are you hindered by an accepted norm? Think about the consequences of that which you angrily fight and contemplate whether this fight is worthy of your outrage. The mayhem that is occurring today will soon reveal a critical historical period during which our citizens will either accept tyranny or escape the grips of media, government, and business leaders who seek power. It is time to recognize the dangers that our children are currently under and realize that they are best served when all voices are heard. People who approve of males competing in female sports, or gender pronouns, or dismemberment of a child’s body parts for the purpose of gender transition need to understand the consequences of their beliefs, and I will try my hardest to voice these potential repercussions so that someday there can be welcomed debate that will inevitably lead to common sense solutions of which we are clearly in need.