The round-up calls attention to a lot of style-forward outdoor gear that will ensure the comfort of the wearer without sacrificing aesthetics. The Merrell 1TRL x White Mountaineering, for example, boasts a lightweight design with a waterproof GORE-TEX membrane, a Vibram TC5+ outsole, and a Cleansport NXT™ treatment for controlling odors.
For winter sports enthusiasts, the February 2025 fashion list boasts the Stellar Insulated Shell Jacket and Pants, which are not only performance-driven but are also designed with environmentally conscious materials — more specifically, a 100% pre-consumer recycled Japanese two-layer nylon. Whitespace’s Cropped Puffer Jacket, on the other hand, is ultra-chic. Available in Black, Warm White, and Lilac Purple, the silhouette is refined, warm, breathable, and waterproof.