September 27, 2024 – The Ministry of Defence’s Material and Procurement Agency (FMI) has, in cooperation with the Defence Command (FKO), including the Army’s professional experts from the Danish Artillery Regiment, chosen the German company Rheinmetall’s Skyranger 30 for the Army’s new air defence system. The turret is armed with the 30 mm cannon known as high velocity gun, which together with the missile system can engage planes, helicopters and drones.
The head of FMI, Lieutenant General Per Pugholm Olsen and Rheinmetall Air Defence CEO Oliver Dürr signed the contract for the acquisition today.
An important step for the brigade
Lieutenant General Per Pughom Olsen stated:
“The signature of the contract is an important step on the way to establishing the brigade’s air defences, which in turn is key to make the brigade fully operational. The choice of the Skyranger turret and of its cannon has been made in close cooperation with our colleagues from the Defence Command.”
The air defence system will also include radar, operations centre and communication systems. The Danish company Terma is responsible for integrating all the aforementioned elements into a unified air defence system.
What must the air defence system live up to
The system must help to protect land military units, including command posts and combat units, etc. in the brigade’s operations area. The new air defence capacity for the Army complies with NATO’s force targets for Denmark in the Very Short Range Air Defence domain.
The air defence capacity must also be designed to integrate the brigade’s operations in the overall air defence, including being prepared to cooperate with other air defence systems, within the so-called layered air defence.
• The agreement with Rheinmetall includes the acquisition of 16 turrets. Initially it includes four pre-production/prototype turrets with delivery expected in late 2026; followed by serial production of three times four deliveries during 2027 and 2028.
• The acquisition of the Skyranger takes place as part of the overall provision of very short-range air defence for the brigade. The specific price of the Skyranger and ammunition is not disclosed as this is commercially confidential between FMI and Rheinmetall.
• Selection of a missile for the air defence system is ongoing, and there are currently no comments on this process.
Unofficial translation by EDR On-Line
Source Danish Ministry of Defence’s Material and Procurement Agency
Photo courtesy Rheinmetall