NEW YORK — The situation with Carolina comes to a head this week on “The Bachelor.” Will Grant put her through to the hometown dates? This week he’ll date his final seven women in Scotland! But first, he spent some time bonding with Jesse Palmer over golf. If this show were about finding a bestie, they’d be on the fast track. We even saw Jesse attempt to moonwalk, as he golfed.
Gina: The moonwalk was… something! Jesse’s got the moves for sure.

Jesse announced to the women that there would be no roses on the dates this week, even the one-on-ones! That’s crazy! I can’t remember that ever being the case in a previous season.
Juliana’s One-on-One Date
The first date card read, “Juliana, our love is a fairytale.” Grant whisks her away on a helicopter. Carolina was like, “Oh, I’m not jealous!” Alexe reminded her, “You were on a private jet babe!” Juliana and Grant kissed and held hands on the helicopter a lot. They toured the area of Edinburgh and then landed at a castle. A royal valet met them as they arrived and welcomed them to their “Castle for the Day.” A stylist met with them to help them pick out outfits for a special evening. Grant said he felt like “The Fresh Prince” as he tried on kilts and even a little man purse that went with it. He loved it all! Juliana ended up in a hot pink gown and Grant in a tux. They looked stunning together! Then, they entered a ballroom where it was very reminiscent of “Bridgerton” as the string quartet played modern hits in a ballroom full of people dancing. Grant said despite all the people he felt like it was just the two of them there.
Gina: So many things to talk about! First, bravo to Alexe for reminding Carolina of the date she had. Second, I love Scottish castles! Way back in the day, I stayed at one for a shoot and it was so cool to just be in there and soak in all the history. Third, Grant in a kilt will never not be adorable. Fourth, I love that the quartet was playing “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers.”
Group Date Card Arrives
Another date card arrived and it read, “Sarafiena, Alexe, Carolina, Dina, and Zoe, I’m looking for my queen.” That meant that Zoe was not getting a one-on-one date. She crashed. Litia was going to get the last one-on-one date. With that news, Zoe went to bed early. Then, Carolina started complaining about how everyone else was catching up to her and Grant’s relationship and how she still wanted another one-on-one. Typical! But it’s kind of understandable at the same time. It’s just the fact that she voices this to the other women.
Gina: I don’t know about you, but I felt that sting along with Zoe. It must have been very deflating for her. And nothing about Carolina complaining shocks me anymore.
Juliana and Grant’s Evening Portion
Grant gave Juliana a diamond necklace and she said she felt like a real princess. They sat down to dinner and Grant told Juliana that they had a great physical connection, but he wanted to get to know her more before hometowns. Juliana said she’s not always so bubbly and happy. She said someone really close to her as a child had a problem with addiction and she felt very alone. Fortunately, she has a strong family today, but she is still scared of what she went through back then. Grant could definitely relate and he said he felt like he was looking at a reflection of himself. Grant took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeve to show Juliana his lone wolf tattoo. They cried together over their mutual understanding and how much they connected.
Juliana said that if he went to her hometown, Grant would meet her friends and her wolfpack. Juliana said to Grant that she didn’t want to scare him, but she felt like she could be falling in love with him. Grant said, “You make me so happy and I want you to know that I feel very strongly about you too, and I see a future and a partner that is going to build me up.” He also talked about how he would help her too. It was very sweet! “She’s exactly what I’m looking for,” Grant said. Oh my goodness! Do we have a new frontrunner? I think so! Then they went outside and kissed to fireworks! “This is next-level type of love,” Juliana said.
Gina: Wow, wow, wow. We’ve seen Grant’s connection with Juliana in the little moments through the season, but this was such a huge step forward. Watching them be so shocked that they were so connected was interesting to me. If she ends up being the final one, we’ll have to look back to this moment and this major emotional shift.
Group Date
Grant and his 5 bachelorettes went to a Scottish fair. They had food, dance, and dressed up in kilts. They had a traditional meal and drinks together. Then, it was time for some games! They did a caber toss and everyone was having fun, except Carolina. They played musical chairs and you could just see Carolina start to spiral, especially when he connected with Sarafiena. She eventually went and sat off by herself. Grant decided to talk to her and see if she could engage with the group and she was like, “I’m good.” So he asked her to talk to him in private. They walked off and chatted and the other women were upset, especially Zoe, who was trying to make the best of things without getting a one-on-one date.
Gina: Grant wearing another kilt? Positive. Carolina wearing that sour look on her face while everyone is having fun, not positive. But she’s getting what she wanted, time alone with Grant. I’m getting a headache from rolling my eyes at these antics.

Carolina cried as Grant tried to figure out why she couldn’t have fun on the group date. Grant was like, just tell me what’s up. She cried as she told him that she felt that he was having stronger connections with other women. Grant said that she was one of his strongest connections but now he’s not sure where he even stands with her. He wants to work things out with her but she feels he already knows what he wants. She said if it’s not her, she just wants to know already. Aw, that is rough!
Dina said she regretted supporting Carolina. She didn’t realize like the other women did, how bad Carolina was on group dates. Grant kept telling Carolina that he cared about her and he’s trying to keep things real with her. He said that their connection was real and he’s not ready to let it go. Grant said that because of how he grew up he wants to be with someone he can trust and not have trust issues with. He said that he feels better that they had the talk, even though she cried. He pushed her through and put her back in a positive place. Grant is such an understanding guy!
Gina: It seems like Carolina just figured after their great one-on-one date that Grant would say “show over, I’ve found her!” But that’s not how things go on this show and I’m pretty sure she knows that. Carolina talked about not wanting to be a “cloud of negativity” or “associated with negativity,” yet that is on her. It’s what she brought to Grant throughout the entire show! Grant was very patient during that conversation, I’ll say that.
Group Date Cocktail Party
The women were very upset with Carolina. They missed out on the rest of their games and group date because Carolina pulled Grant away. Grant started off positive and the other women were like umm, yeah, it was fun, but not really.
Zoe said she didn’t want to give up on them even though she knew she didn’t get a one-on-one date. Grant said that they started off strong but he wasn’t sure where they stood. He said they did connect over their last conversation and he’s feeling like he sees her and understands her even more. He said she left him wanting more and more and she was like, “Oh, you are making excuses” for not giving her the date, and he was like no. He seems pretty interested!
Gina: I am glad that the other girls gave Zoe the first alone time with Grant because she did need that time. I do like that Grant asked about what a hometown date would mean to her and she had an honest answer about not having a traditional family. It gave them another chance to connect because he didn’t either.
Sarafiena told Grant that he’d be the first guy she brought home to meet her family in six years and she thinks her mom would love him. Their relationship continues to grow! Alexe said it was a difficult week for her for the first time, and Grant listened, but we didn’t get to hear a lot of what he said to her.
Dina said they didn’t get to really have much of a date with Grant that day because of Carolina, right in front of her as she sat there. Dina and Sarafiena then called her out for her negativity. Dina asked her why she felt she deserved a one-on-one and why she deserved that time when they were all waiting to talk to them. Dina said she stuck up for her and Carolina couldn’t defend herself. It’s tough to win a conversation against a lawyer. Dina asked her if she was about to pull Grant again, and Carolina was like, maybe. Carolina was like, I never pulled him, and that is true…but she did monopolize all the time.
Gina: “I guess I’m crazy and evil!” That was Carolina’s statement as she walked up the steps to find Grant. I’m guessing the others will agree. I mean, to get self-proclaimed “ice queen” Dina that heated is quite a feat!! Carolina constantly saying she doesn’t need to explain herself to the other girls while eating time time, throwing them under the bus and causing drama is pretty rich. Her victim card was definitely showing throughout all of this.
Carolina did find Grant and they had a great time talking with each other. She saw it as a chance to have a good vibe when everyone else was in a bad place. Grant said that he felt like they were both emotional people and he loved that they were connecting more. She told Grant she would be very proud to introduce him to her family.
Gina: What I found interesting was that she said that her fear about bringing Grant to meet her family was that she didn’t want them to get attached to him and have it be “all for nothing.” She, herself is planting the seeds of doubt with Grant and I’m assuming she expected him to reassure her. I don’t know that she got what she wanted though.
Dina asked Carolina how her night was, and Carolina said it was as good as it could have been. Dina couldn’t believe her, and Alexe didn’t either. Carolina was making an honest statement.
Dina then asked Grant how he felt like the day went. Grant said he loved seeing her happy on the date. She said she never wants to be a damsel in distress. Dina said that he’s great at making everyone feel included, but Dina said that he should be taking everyone’s considerations into mind and that certain other people are basically “takers.” Grant said he “clocked it.” She told him that she defended Carolina, but now she gets why people said what she said about her. Grant was surprised at what she said about Carolina because he trusted Dina. Grant is now very confused.
Gina: I’m glad that Dina told her truth. Grant needed to know – and like he said, so many people have been talking about her so now he’s got a lot to think about.
Litia’s One-on-One Date
Grant really seems to like Litia! They had a date where they lived like the locals. They ate haggis at a food cart, tried some Scottish whiskey, played a bagpipe, and listened to some local poets. They are so cute together! They approached a booth with knitting ladies and they asked them if they could see wedding bells in the future, and Grant said he totally could! Then, one of the ladies tied Litia and Grant’s hands with a scarf and when they pulled their hands out, they had tied a knot. They sat and talked about their connection in a pub, and all I could think about was the fact that they weren’t eating the fries that were sitting there on the table in front of them.
Gina: We viewers needed this date after the Carolina drama. This was fun, funny and just mature. They have an ease about them and a chemistry that’s hard to miss.

Later, Grant and Litia walked through the rain to a beautiful dinner venue. It was adorned with flowers and candles for them. They sat at opposite lengths of a long table to start, but then Grant got up to sit next to Litia. She told Grant that she was worried about what he’d think of her hometown because she was Mormon. They’re members of LDS and she’s only dated members of her religion in the past. She’s a bit worried about what her family will think of them. Grant thinks she’s worth it though. She said that she wants God to be a part of their lives and their future children’s lives. Grant said that God is a part of his life and he leans on God for love. Grant cried as he talked about what he wanted for his future family. It was really meaningful to Litia. She told Grant he was enough and perfect just the way he was. Grant said told Litia that he was falling for her and they were both ready! Wow! Juliana, Litia, and two others… that’s my prediction so far.
Emeli Sande then performed as Litia and Grant danced. It was beautiful. Litia and Grant seem to have a deep connection. In an interview, Litia said she was also falling in love with Grant.
Gina: First, I just have to say that they cannot get a break with the rain in any country! These poor women and their hair and makeup! Ok, I just had to get that off my chest. Now, this date… y’all, what a night! Grant saying he was falling for Litia first, then Litia coming to the realization that she did love him? Forget it. It might be the first time I got a little teary! I loved that they talked honestly about their faith and the importance of God in their lives and this is where the maturity and ease of their relationship came in. It’s beautiful to see and yes, Jen, I can see Litia and Juliana being the final two for sure.
Rose Ceremony
There was no cocktail hour, just the rose ceremony with Grant’s decisions on which women’s hometowns he would visit. As the women were all lined up and waiting for Grant, Carolina asked Dina to go talk. Carolina said that she didn’t know what happened with their friendship, but that she was grateful for everything Dina did for her. Dina said the same, and they hugged it out. Dina cried and said they were good.
Gina: It was an interesting move by Carolina, I’ll just leave it at that.
1) Litia
2) Juliana
3) Dina
4) Zoe
Wow, so there’s no one-on-one date! This should be a lesson in positivity. She turned that right around. Early frontrunner Alexe, along with Carolina and slow-burner Sarafiena, was eliminated.
I’m shocked that he picked Dina and Zoe! It easily could have been any of them in my opinion! Carolina told Grant that it was “very disappointing” but she wished him the best. Ultimately, I think he trusts Dina’s opinion.
Gina: Interesting choices by Grant. I’m going to pay close attention to next week’s hometowns for sure!!
Coming Up
Next week, it’s time for hometown dates! It looks like some of the families give Grant a hard time, but ultimately hopefully he has a good time and can connect with them.
In the end, Grant said he loves both of his final two equally but has to make a decision. He wakes up the next day, the final day, and still doesn’t know who to pick!
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