‘That’s theft’ say viewers as pair get engaged in front of cheering restaurant crowd…but ‘proposal’ isn’t what it seems

‘That’s theft’ say viewers as pair get engaged in front of cheering restaurant crowd…but ‘proposal’ isn’t what it seems

THIS is the heart-warming moment a couple got engaged in front of a cheering restaurant crowd – or so we thought.

The pair admitted to staging the fake proposal to try and get free drinks at a restaurant in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Man proposing to woman in restaurant.


The couple faked a proposal at a restaurant to “get free drinks”Credit: Twitter
Couple embracing after a proposal in a restaurant.


Restaurant customers clapped and cheeredCredit: Twitter
Couple embracing in restaurant as onlookers watch.


The woman posted the video on XCredit: Twitter

The video shows the man get down on one knee and ask his already-wife to marry him.

Restaurant customers can be heard clapping and cheering as he picks her up, twirls her around and kisses her.

The woman posted the video to X where she revealed that the proposal was fake.

The video quickly went viral with more than 38.2 million views.

But the video divided viewers, with many rushing to the comments to share their thoughts.

One angry user declared: “I consider that theft.”

Another said: “People like this will ruin sweet gestures like this for all of the genuine people.”

But some seemed to be on board with the idea.

One user defended the pair and said: “God forbid a man has fun and gets to enjoy a sweet treat through his own mischievous schemes.”

Another said: “Before y’all start judging, have you never faked a birthday to get free dessert?”

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