Tears as Woman Reunites With 18-Year-Old Cat–’So Precious’

Tears as Woman Reunites With 18-Year-Old Cat–’So Precious’

If there’s one thing that can beat holiday blues, it’s coming home to a furry friend, as demonstrated by one owner who recorded the moment she reunited with her senior cat.

In a TikTok video with over 1.7 million views, Julie Nashawaty from Boston (@julienashawaty) can be heard greeting 18-year-old Luna, a Maine Coon mix, who doesn’t wake to the sound of her owner’s voice. The text layered over states she is a little deaf, which is understandable given her age.

But that doesn’t stop Nashawaty, a pet sitter, from speaking to her, and after a few tail strokes, Luna, a rescue cat, opens her piercing green eyes and instantly makes a cooing noise.

Nashawaty told Newsweek that Luna hasn’t left her side since she returned from her annual 10-day vacation.

Senior cat
Two screenshots from the viral video showing Luna sleeping on the sofa and then enjoying belly rubs when she notices her owners.


While the most common sound a cat makes is a “meow,” Luna, who has dementia, is chirping—like a bird—which isn’t unusual for felines.

Another owner commented on the video: “The cat I grew up with is going a little deaf now, so he can’t hear me when I call him, but when he turns around and finally sees me, he makes the cutest chirping sounds.”

President of The International Cat Association (TICA), Vicki Jo Harrison, previously told Newsweek why cats make a noise that mimics their prey.

She said: “Their excitement at the prospect of a hunt causes them to chirp and may also be coupled with a swooshing tail.

“Their chirping is an expression of joy, much like a child’s squeal when given a gift.”

Indeed, Luna seems delighted to see Nashawaty and her husband again. If the sounds weren’t a giveaway, then her body language certainly is.

She can be seen lapping up the love while sprawling out, exposing her belly. According to U.K.-based charity Cats Protection, a relaxed posture and rolling onto their back are both clear signs that your cat is happy. They may also have eyes shut or half-closed with small pupils, relaxed ears, and whiskers.

Just like Luna in parts of the video when she nudges her head against her owner’s hand, suggesting she wants more head rubs.

The wholesome scene has been a hit online, gathering almost 280,000 likes since it was posted on March 11.

“Senior kitties deserve the world, such a sleepy baby,” said one user, and another commenter wrote: “Senior cats are truly a gift. How lucky are we to be able to care for them like they cared for us.”

“She is so precious. I feel so guilty when I leave mine and go on holidays, can’t stop thinking about her,” said a third user.

Some people have even been reduced to tears.

“Joke’s on you I was already planning on crying today,” said another.

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

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