
What the new Renters' Rights Bill means for tenants and landlords as MPs vote it through
'Sick' LA landlords hike rent while wildfires rage and victims left homeless
Los Angeles wildfire evacuees face price gouging after officials warn of predatory businesses, landlords
Justice Department accuses 6 major landlords of keeping rents high : NPR
Iconic Sydney restaurant announces shock closure just days before Christmas – as they take a fierce parting swipe at the landlords amid ‘painful’ times
Bengaluru Woman Alleges Assault By Landlord’s Brother
Keir Starmer is accused of ‘straight up lying’ to Brits in Labour manifesto after he warns shareholders, landlords and savers they DON’T count as ‘working people’ and face being battered in next week’s ‘tax bomb’ Budget
London council launches door-to-door patrols targeting dodgy landlords
Wembley landlord fined nearly £50,000 for housing eight people in five-person ‘house of horrors’