What the new Renters' Rights Bill means for tenants and landlords as MPs vote it through
The new bill has cleared the Commons after a vote by MPs
The new bill has cleared the Commons after a vote by MPs
Asking prices for many rental properties in the greater Los Angeles area have spiked amid the ongoing wildfires…
Days after an inferno razed the Pacific Palisades, Maya Lieberman is desperate to find somewhere to live. But…
The U.S. Department of Justice building is seen in Washington, D.C., on Dec. 7, 2024. Jose Luis Magana/AP…
One of Sydney’s iconic restaurants has announced it will close its doors, blaming the landlords and rent disputes…
The Bengaluru City police has arrested Gowda A 26-year-old woman from West Bengal residing in a rented apartment…
Keir Starmer has been accused of ‘straight up lying’ to Brits as shareholders, landlords and savers face being…
Council officers have begun going door-to-door to catch out landlords who have broken rules
Council officers found eight people crammed into a home which was supposed to house up to five people