No permanent closures to field officers underway – NBC Chicago

No permanent closures to field officers underway – NBC Chicago

Amid reports of closures of regional Social Security offices, the Social Security Administration announced Friday that no permanent closures are in progress or have been announced.

While the administration said weather, damage or facilities issues sometimes lead to the temporary closure of field offices, no closures have been announced or have taken place since Jan. 1, 2025.

According to the SSA, only the permanent closure of one hearing office has been announced, which is located in White Plains, New York.

The administration said the agency works closely with congressional delegations before announcing the closure of a field office, with employees of affected offices often reassigned upon a closure.

The SSA said the agency identified “underutilized office space” to ensure taxpayer money was being spent “as prudently as possible.”

Most of the spaces identified were small hearing rooms with no assigned employees. With most hearings held virtually, the administration said the spaces are no longer needed.

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