IPSD 204 to begin $9.8M in entryway security upgrades at schools

IPSD 204 to begin .8M in entryway security upgrades at schools

Securing entryways for safety was one of the top requests when Indian Prairie School District 204 sought voter permission last fall to borrow up to $420 million for facility upgrades.

Secured entryway work slated for 11 IPSD 204 schools

With the referendum approved and the first round of bond funding received, the school board now has approved bids to “construct secured vestibules” at 11 elementary schools this summer.

The board on Monday night approved the lowest responsive bids recommended by the district’s construction manager, which total $9.8 million. The work includes replacing exterior doors and hardware to improve access control.

“It’s a must that we secure our schools if we want to provide an optimal learning experience for our students,” Ron Wilke, the district’s safety, security and emergency preparedness coordinator, said in a video message.

Lighting contract to improve efficiency

The school board also approved a contract for LED lighting that aims to improve efficiency and decrease future electric bills. Seeking operating efficiencies like this is another goal of the referendum-funded facilities master plan, administrators say.

Under a $5.7 million agreement, Performance Services, Inc. of Lombard, will replace “inefficient fluorescent fixtures” at Metea Valley High School as well as Fischer, Granger, and Still Middle Schools and install new LED ones. Administrators said this work will qualify the district for at least $456,000 in utility rebates.

The contract also includes control upgrades that will allow the district to check the status of the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems at 22 schools remotely from a computer without having to physically visit each site.

Photo: file image

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