IPSD 204 plans 2026-27 school year to end before Memorial Day

IPSD 204 plans 2026-27 school year to end before Memorial Day

Close up of several calendar pages

The school calendar is on the books for 2026-27 for students in Indian Prairie School District 204.

The school board voted unanimously to approve the calendar during Monday’s meeting. Administrators highlighted that the schedule avoids an “awkward middle-of-the-week day off” for the Nov. 3, 2026 election by pairing it behind a day off for parent-teacher conferences.

“To us, it made sense not to have them come for Monday and then have the Tuesday off,” said Brad Hillman, assistant superintendent for middle schools.

Conferences plan for future years

The plan for fall conferences is similar to what the district has in place for next year in 2025-26, in both cases under an agreement with the Indian Prairie Education Association — the teacher’s union in the district.

Fall parent-teacher conferences during the newly approved 2026-27 calendar are scheduled for 4:30 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 22, 2026, and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 4:30 to 8 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 2, 2026.

2026-27 school calendar highlights

The calendar also calls for school to end before Memorial Day, a departure from the District’s current and 2025-26 school calendars, which both end shortly after the late-May holiday.

Other key points of the 2026-27 calendar include:

  • First day of school: Monday, Aug. 17, 2026
  • Thanksgiving break: Nov. 23-27, 2026
  • Winter break: Dec. 21, 2026 through Jan. 1, 2027
  • Spring parent-teacher conferences: noon to 7 p.m. Monday, March 15
  • Spring break: Friday, March 26 through Tuesday, April 6
  • Last day of school: Friday, May 28

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