See what the stars have in store for your sign.

The stars are aligning for you to access their soft wisdom, Taurus. Now that you are willing to shed old skin, you are willing to also see where you are being redirected. There may be ruins along the way, but don’t you let them make you feel disheartened because they are living testimony to attempts at something big and new. Healing and evolution can get addictive Pisces. So while you are on this path seeking “more” from life, also slow down to cherish what you have. Let the moon beams fill your nights with sweet dreams and the rays of the sun energise you to make the most of your present moment. Can you do what you are here to do by having fun and adding playful silliness into your life, Sag? You are here not just for others, but for yourself too. You are her not just to help, but to have fun too. You are here not just to build empires but sand castles too. What do you do that lights you up? Scorpio, try looking at how everyone is supporting you in the best possible way they can. Then why are you holding yourself back, shying away and withdrawing into your cave? You may have been feeling lonely, like no one gets you, but in truth, we are all trying to survive our own sea storms in our rocky little boats. Leo, it’s time you went in all heart – with your intuition in place – and decided to seed a new life for yourself and your loved ones. If nothing changes, nothing changes. And while we would love for the world to magically transform around us, the vibrational shift and effort must come from within us.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Aries Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

When you give with your heart, live with your heart and navigate with your heart, you automatically align with the frequency of the cosmos. Aries, your recent reflections and ability to root yourself into your core has opened doorways for you to not only see clearly what you want, but also understand why you want what you want. It has brought you face to face with your goals, your perspectives and with life at large. And all in an instance you may have realised that the biggest and the tiniest moments are all the same – the treasures they unlock stay in your heart forever.
Cosmic tip: One day at a time, you are already doing all you should be doing.
Taurus Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

The stars are aligning for you to access their soft wisdom, Taurus. Now that you are willing to shed old skin, you are willing to also see where you are being redirected. There may be ruins along the way, but don’t you let them make you feel disheartened because they are living testimony to attempts at something big and new. Keep forging your way ahead, the grey skies will transform into sunlit flower fields, and you will be the one reveling in the sweet fragrance of your hard earned beauty that surrounds you.
Cosmic tip: You don’t feel frustrated because you fail. You feel frustrated because you rush.
Gemini Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

Looking into someone else’s thesis to find answers to your unique questions is like comparing apples and oranges to understand which is healthier. Gemini, you are already doing all you must do – if you have doubts, just look at how far you’ve come! From struggling to share your distinctive voice to having the world rave about your outlandish perspectives haven’t you come a long way? Your ancestors and angels stand besides you as you strut on your walk of fame! Graciously accept the love, blessings and bounties coming your way.
Cosmic tip: Take some well deserved downtime to dance with life.
Cancer Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

Cancer, your archetype is the mother, the nurturer and the caretaker – no matter where you are and what you do, when you water this innate need of your personality, you are a happy seer oblivious to the agony the world may toss your way. So, why not continue to pour this very essence of your being into everything else? Unstuck yourself from overthinking, over rationalising, over analysing and objectifying everything. You are not meant to live by the mind, but to lead by the heart. That’s all you know and all you must do.
Cosmic tip: The Universe protects the pure-hearted with all it’s might.
Leo Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

The recent eclipse has got you thinking hard about the way you approach life, relationships and even yourself. Leo, it’s time you went in all heart – with your intuition in place – and decided to seed a new life for yourself and your loved ones. If nothing changes, nothing changes. And while we would love for the world to magically transform around us, the vibrational shift and effort must come from within us. How many more circles will you complete around the cosmos before you decide to shift this pattern? You are now ready, more than ever before to leap and tie loose ends.
Cosmic tip: The Universe is ready to catch you. Jump off.
Virgo Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

Stop burning out and start laying assertive boundaries in place, Virgo. It is all coming together. What may have previously made you feel like you are floating through space, is now here helping you understand surrender once again. You cannot take on more than you have the bandwidth for. And by clearly reiterating your needs for space, respect, reciprocation or anything else from the cosmos, you are allowing it to respond to and honour your unique needs. Instead of pressuring your inner volcanoes to erupt, you are being encouraged to focus on holding space for your fury to flow constructively.
Cosmic tip: Find new ways of being by staying open minded.
Libra Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

Covering your inner needs and wants in hopes of helping the greater good is simply taking away more from your light than you can see, Libra. It is only when you feel all your emotions, accept all your urges, trust your bodily instincts on certain matters and allow the cosmic wisdom to flow through and make you move in ways that feel harmonious and aligned. There is no shame occupying space. There is no shame in asking for what you want – even from the cosmos. When things change at your core is when you will see manifested changes in your life.
Cosmic tip: Your health and intuition are two sides of the same coin. Pay attention.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

Scorpio, try looking at how everyone is supporting you in the best possible way they can. Then why are you holding yourself back, shying away and withdrawing into your cave? You may have been feeling lonely, like no one gets you, but in truth, we are all trying to survive our own sea storms in our rocky little boats. Consider committing to something that enlivens your senses and brings you joy. Say yes to all that life brings your way – and watch the good things amplify sooner than later.
Cosmic tip: To belong where you are, you must embrace who you are.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

Can you do what you are here to do by having fun and adding playful silliness into your life, Sag? You are here not just for others, but for yourself too. You are her not just to help, but to have fun too. You are here not just to build empires but sand castles too. What do you do that lights you up? How are you feeling called to step into your sea of emotions as you swim towards your starship? It will all end one day, but what will remain is how you loved, how you laughed and how you made the most of every single moment that life brought your way.
Cosmic tip: You have a responsibility towards others and yourself, okay?
Capricorn Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

Can you please hit pause on that thunderbolt raging through your system to get things done, Capricorn? Trust your inner seismic activity to uncover truths about yourself and others. There is only so much you can do. If things are feeling overwhelming or triggering, they may simply be signs from the cosmos redirecting your focus onto what is being brought to light. Even lightning that dances through the skies does so in sporadic rhythms because overdoing it will only cause destruction.
Cosmic tip: You get to decide your pace.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

You are opening up to things you never thought you could fathom, Aquarius moving in unimaginable ways, forging new paths, discovering new ground. You have been itching to share something that is hidden so deep within your heart and soul, and now is the time for you to do it. The past versions of your plans and even yourself may seem very bland and greyscale when you look through your technicolour kaleidoscope in your hands. Everything has panned out exactly as it should have. Continue to own your throne and engulf all in your warm embrace.
Cosmic tip: When you see through the lens in your heart, you will be able to effortlessly join the dots.
Pisces Horoscope Today: March 26, 2025

Healing and evolution can get addictive Pisces. So while you are on this path seeking “more” from life, also slow down to cherish what you have. Let the moon beams fill your nights with sweet dreams and the rays of the sun energise you to make the most of your present moment. Take some time off today to find your oasis amidst the desert refilling your reserves for a time when you need it. The cosmos is never a rush to get us anywhere – neither is our soul, but both are always on time. And ironically, sometimes, slowing down is just the medicine you need to speed up in life.
Cosmic tip: Move beyond your structures into the flow of life.