See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Happy Equinox!!
You are not who you were yesterday, and you will not be this person tomorrow. Change is the only constant, Aries and instead of beating yourself up about your misgivings in the past, send a heartfelt apology into the cosmos for everything that you are unable to forgive yourself for. If you’ve been stuck calculating every risk, every move, every decision based on what it will bring forth for you in return, this is your time to shake things up and move away from that narrative, Sag. Your angels come forward to remind you that you may have been feeling lost because you are stepping away from your true essence – the very qualities that make you You. Every once in a while it is good to be stubborn, Scorpio. Sometimes, it is good to be obstinate about your plans and direction for life as it gives the cosmos a clear signal as to what you want. You are born with a superpower – to be able to swim through the darkest currents as a mere observer. It is time for you to wield this power and rise up. Each word you say becomes a prayer that is directly absorbed by the cosmos into it’s memory bank, Libra. So use your thoughts and words wisely to carefully craft the thesis you would like to store in the cosmic bank.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Aries Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

You are not who you were yesterday, and you will not be this person tomorrow. Change is the only constant, Aries and instead of beating yourself up about your misgivings in the past, send a heartfelt apology into the cosmos for everything that you are unable to forgive yourself for. Release the burden of guilt and shame because the very fact that you recognise your follies means you have chosen to grow in a beautiful light. Treat everything in your life from this point on with as much integrity, respect, kindness and love as you can to watch things turn around beautifully.
Cosmic tip: Believe in your inner guidance.
Taurus Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

You have a choice Taurus – either continue to look at everything from a fragmented and singular perspective or go with the flow to discover how the cosmos weaves the beautiful tapestry of your life together. Taking a stance is essential sometimes, but going with the flow helps most times. This is the time for the latter in your life. Your intuition has been harping on about something persistently – have you been paying attention? Invite solutions in to your life with grace, so that it becomes a marvellous dance between you and the Universe.
Cosmic tip: Enough with playing tug-of-war. Drop the rope now.
Gemini Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

If you’ve been feeling torn between feeling like you are making something of yourself and your life while also filling your cup in the intangible ways – your angels have a message. Gemini, you are as earthly as you are divine. So drop the struggle, and understand that your passion can give you stability and money and your purpose may also involve mastering the physical realm – money, security, health, relationships and so on. Instead of perceiving things as fragmented, to day try to look at yourself as one pulsating, alive fragment of the cosmos who is here to simply experience life in it’s grandeur in your physical being.
Cosmic tip: Drop the confusion, embrace the wisdom.
Cancer Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

Why the rush when you know that the cosmos and your angels always have your back? Cancer, you’ve got a vague plan, you dont know how you will get there, but you will. Trust your skills and more importantly trust the timing of the Universe. Abundance, wealth and all the feel good things in life are flowing towards you – your relationships included. Now will you allow yourself to receive or will you keep scuttling about endlessly? Don’t give up just yet, but also remember to keep shining consistently.
Cosmic tip: For a package to be delivered, you will need to stay and open the door.
Leo Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

If every thought you thought and every word you spoke were to tangify and string together as a piece of jewelry around your neck what words and thoughts would you choose? Leo, the time for taking a step back, letting that fury subside and getting a little passive in life begins now. Everything has it’s time and if something shows up with resistance, by feeling agitated about it you add to the walls that you build between you and what is to arrive in your life. If you had all you needed, would you still be this way? Most likely not. So go take a walk and shake it off, okay?
Cosmic tip: Smile your way through the day.
Virgo Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

You are a master in your own like, walking this realm with immense wisdom, patience and knowledge. Virgo, as you consciously choose to alter your existing world, through mindful choices and decisions, you realise that you have served enough. This mercenary imprint within you that autopilots towards making you a martyr in your own life is ready to leave. Are you going to allow it to? When you get comfortable with who you are and where you are at – everyone else’s narratives of you matter lesser each day. What matters is how peaceful and quiet you feel from within.
Cosmic tip: True freedom begins in thoughts.
Libra Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

Stop beating yourself up about all that you could have done differently and begin softening your outlook towards yourself and your life, Libra. Each word you say becomes a prayer that is directly absorbed by the cosmos into it’s memory bank. So use your thoughts and words wisely to carefully craft the thesis you would like to store in the cosmic bank. Imagine yourself holding the magic lamp – whatever you ask the Genie for appears. So ask wisely.
Cosmic tip: Accepting yourself as you are is the fiercest, most badass warrior move you could make.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

Every once in a while it is good to be stubborn, Scorpio. Sometimes, it is good to be obstinate about your plans and direction for life as it gives the cosmos a clear signal as to what you want. You are born with a superpower – to be able to swim through the darkest currents as a mere observer. It is time for you to wield this power and rise up. Gaining a sense of objectivity that not everyone chooses to evolve in the same way as you do, some people wish to grow through trauma and some through peace – helps you transmute lower, denser energies to the more vibrant ones. And this ability to alchemise is your blessing currently.
Cosmic tip: Choose to see the life you wish through love and peace, and that is what will flow in, in a spilt second.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

If you’ve been stuck calculating every risk, every move, every decision based on what it will bring forth for you in return, this is your time to shake things up and move away from that narrative, Sag. Your angels come forward to remind you that you may have been feeling lost because you are stepping away from your true essence – the very qualities that make you You. Set yourself free from how you wish others to see you by choosing to see yourself through that very lens. Your worth is not decided by how much power you yield over others, instead it is decided by what you choose in each passing moment because it is all ultimately interconnected.
Cosmic Tip: You will receive all you require. Remain patient and ethical.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

There is always a choice – choose faith or choose fear. In absolute truth, the amount of energy you expend will be the same, but the results will vary drastically. Capricorn when you worry and get scurrying about things, you simply drain your energy and focus on things you would much rather keep at bay. Not only does it result in mental fog, but it also takes you further away from the life you are trying to create. Being too focussed on tangible goals may be leaving little or no room for you to build your relationships and strengthen them with nurturing care.
Cosmic tip: Create a plan, stick to it while also factoring in time and energy to embody spaciousness.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

It is more in our struggles that we grow than in our times of sweet rewards, Aquarius. This incarnation of yours, is here to help you experience life and its wild emotions in technicolour. By honouring your needs, your duties and your relationships you are honouring the task you soul assigned to itself to evolve and ascend. Every sticky spot, every tough choice, every fork in the road leads you somewhere beautiful – if not in the destination, in the journey itself. Organise yourself by establishing a sense of order and structure to gain clarity upon which way you wish to be headed.
Cosmic tip: The cosmos is giving you a wild card.
Pisces Horoscope Today: March 20, 2025

You can choose to heal through light from this point on, Pisces. Your quality of life is of prime importance to you – not the pennies you save by cutting corners, but the richness you gain by looking at everything as an investment in your well being. Go to war with your inner demons, limiting self talk or even external ideas that keep you chained. Dive deep to reach an elevated perspective that allows you to see a grander scheme of things and life. As you open your heart to new possibilities, you open the windows of destiny to transform your life like never before.
Cosmic tip: A deep heart healing is here for you. The closer you move to peace, the easier for you to experience abundance.