See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Does it feel like you are trying hard to plaster onto a wet wall, Leo? The water continues to drip as you keep trying to either light a fire or seal the gap. Have you considered letting the wall crumble once and for all to then rebuild it? From a novice to an expert, from a child to an adult, from a statesman to a king – your journey has been enthralling, enrapturing and enticing, Scorpio. In your quest to build your empires, have you forgotten something pivotal – happiness that comes from within? While some may feel an unnecessary, uncanny pressure on their finances, or even their sources of income – leading to a sense of dejection, loss and even submission to life, Cancer, you have so much waiting on for you in your life! Pump yourself up, write down all those ideas and goals, and see what you can get started with, how.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Explore more about your horoscope here.
Aries Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

“Time goes by, so slowly…” Keeping up with Madonna, why are you so hung up on this, Aries? Raise your arms, take a deep breath and release. Good, now do this another time, and another, until you feel unwound and un-hung up. And if it comes back – begging again. Be it love, work, or anything else, nothing is built in a day – and yes, even though it may seem like it is destroyed in a fleeting second, it takes it’s time to crumble. Trust in your abilities to make it last, make it count and make it work.
Cosmic tip: Let your heartache be material for your liberation.
Taurus Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

Sneaky moves, trickster vibe, and half-assed information – Taurus, c’mon, you are better than that! Say it as it is because for you it has always been all or nothing! You can see yourself falling passionately in love with something, someone, yourself or your life – so do yourself a favour and don’t mince words please! Own yourself, your life and all your desires minus the guilt and shame or even the burden of others’ expectations.
Cosmic tip: Yes the time gone by was great – but you are here, and you are not who you were. So look ahead.
Gemini Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

Holding onto your initial thoughts, ideas, notions and even outlook may have worked in the past, but Gemini, are you the same you were a month ago? Is your life the same as it was yesterday? Are your goals the same as they were when you were little? Well, in one way, maybe our goals are to really come back to what we once felt as innocent little souls, before the world happened to us. But really, it is safe for you to set your bags down, string on your pearls, wear that dress, put on a red lipstick and get to work in a style you could only dream of.
Cosmic Tip: The way to your pocket is through your heart – and this holds especially true of your dreams.
Cancer Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

While some may feel an unnecessary, uncanny pressure on their finances, or even their sources of income – leading to a sense of dejection, loss and even submission to life, Cancer, you have so much waiting on for you in your life! Pump yourself up, write down all those ideas and goals, and see what you can get started with, how. You have almost crossed over to the other side, now all that is needed of you is the strength to put your plans to use.
Cosmic Tip: Ask your Angels for help, and your private security service will be deployed within your energy field.
Leo Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

Does it feel like you are trying hard to plaster onto a wet wall, Leo? The water continues to drip as you keep trying to either light a fire or seal the gap. Have you considered letting the wall crumble once and for all to then rebuild it? Your acorns lie untouched, use the rubble as the soil in which you plant them, let them sprout and grow into trees that bear nutty fruit.
Cosmic Tip: Work hard, lay your boundaries, safeguard your interests – all while dancing to the tunes of your own drums.
Virgo Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

Subservience and mindless tradition are not for you, Virgo. And there is no amount of guilt or ‘forceful’ protocol that must make you believe otherwise. You were born a warrior soul, and as much as you’d much rather have a smooth sailing life, bringing in change is your core purpose. Now it’s the time to accept change as a natural part of your life too – where this warrior-like energy must give way to a gentler pace of life – where you also mother yourself, as you do others.
Cosmic Tip: You create magic by just being you.
Libra Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

What your fears are asking you not to do, Libra, is the exact thing your heart says you must do. Fire up that passion, supercharge those ideas, and make a guidebook that takes your forward. Ensure you keep your communication skills light as a feather, to lend a soft blow wherever necessary, because effectiveness doesn’t necessarily mean harshness – gentle waters too can break mighty mountains.
Cosmic tip: Don’t die in the waters of your overthinking mind.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

From a novice to an expert, from a child to an adult, from a statesman to a king – your journey has been enthralling, enrapturing and enticing, Scorpio. In your quest to build your empires, have you forgotten something pivotal – happiness that comes from within? Yes, your dreams deserve your best, but so does everything and everyone else in your life. Growing up is never easy, but it doesn’t have to feel so difficult as well.
Cosmic tip: Detach from your material worries and goals just for today to bring life back on track.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

Your spirit guides chime your name cheering you on at this crucial time, Sag. Out from the frying pan, back into the ocean – you feel like a fish that has been reunited with water just before it breathed it’s last. If you have been feeling disconnected with life – try reconnecting with yourself once to see where it lands you. You will not regret it.
Cosmic tip: Set up a simple daily practice that connects you with you.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

Two minds to too many options to just saying screw it and walking away, Capricorn, do as floats your boat! For your wish to feel like it’s fulfilled you needn’t grind away all the time, you can also just choose to rest in your nest, lay your swords down to fight another day, take a short nap only to wake up to the realisation that either there was no battle to be fought or that the battle was not yours to fight in the first place.
Cosmic Tip: Don’t let delays derail you.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

Imagine yourself in the Himalayas, listening to the sound of the gongs, meditating in the crisp winter air, surrounded by snow capped mountains in a monastery. Doesn’t it feel amazing, Aquarius? You can bring this visualisation to life each day as you work with your team, when you are stuck in traffic, or even when you shower. Yes, working together may take longer than working alone, but it is the one thing that can take you further than you can imagine.
Cosmic Tip: Build a dream, with loving hands that are willing to come on deck.
Pisces Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025

Competing goals may be getting you to a place where you may be vying for attention, desperately trying to get recognition for your efforts from an authority figure. But Pisces, here’s a simple hack – go back to what woke you up each morning; what brought you to this point – that very drive and reason that made you fight against all odds to get here. And in this simple act, you will stop chasing recognition and acknowledgement, and begin attracting it effortlessly.
Cosmic Tip: Light a million lamps, they will definitely make an impact.