Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025 | Vogue India

Horoscope Today: January 6, 2025 | Vogue India

See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Daily Free Horoscope Vogue India

Does it feel like you are trying hard to plaster onto a wet wall, Leo? The water continues to drip as you keep trying to either light a fire or seal the gap. Have you considered letting the wall crumble once and for all to then rebuild it? From a novice to an expert, from a child to an adult, from a statesman to a king – your journey  has been enthralling, enrapturing and enticing, Scorpio. In your quest to build your empires, have you forgotten something pivotal – happiness that comes from within? While some may feel an unnecessary, uncanny pressure on their finances, or even their sources of income – leading to a sense of dejection, loss and even submission to life, Cancer, you have so much waiting on for you in your life! Pump yourself up, write down all those ideas and goals, and see what you can get started with, how.                   

 Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.

Explore more about your horoscope here.

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