See what the stars have in store for your sign.

With all that fire raging in your belly, Taurus, you have been up to something. Waiting, acting, communing with the cosmic opportunities coming your way or even, letting your heart explode with love and faith – you have tried to dissect parts of your life, sat with them, tried to untangle them, embraced them and now finally are willing to accept them as they are, even if they don’t make conscious sense. Your heart has purged a lot and while you feel you cannot take it anymore, Scorps, you are welcoming more support and cherished loved ones in your life. Your uniqueness is an important part of your life purpose and the way you do certain things, is the way only you can do those things. You may see yourself as sawdust, Leo, but remember what makes fairy dust special is the belief that it holds potent magic. Similarly, sawdust can become transformational when you choose to sprinkle it around with intention and integrity. Are you living in a past narrative that feels constricting and limiting? The gold nuggets you hold in your heart are waiting to pour out to make a difference in your realm and scope of life, Gemini, but first you must be willing to detox, detach and purge a lot that holds you back – your inner talk included.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Aries Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

Being in 5 different places all at once may be what gets you going, and while that may feel exciting, ensure you don’t get tangled in your whim to ace perfection in all you do. All the flowers in a pot are not symmetrical, as aren’t all the branches on a tree. Aries, what makes you feel you are any different from the very nature that you are part of. Find your center of gravity and let yourself arch in ways that achieve balance transforming you and your life into a piece of art. You are good enough even if others can’t see it yet.
Cosmic tip: Your true beliefs are becoming clearer to you and it is time that you wholly accept them.
Taurus Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

With all that fire raging in your belly, Taurus, you have been upto something. Waiting, acting, communing with the cosmic opportunities coming your way or even, letting your heart explode with love and faith – you have tried to dissect parts of your life, sat with them, tried to untangle them, embraced them and now finally are willing to accept them as they are, even if they don’t make conscious sense. Your message today is to be gentle with yourself. Sometimes we are pushing mountains that we can see only as tips of the iceberg – only to realise much later that perhaps those mountains were never to be moved, only to be walked around. Drop the struggle mode or the subconscious mechanism that you have developed around surviving in life and ask yourself how you’d like to easefully live your life.
Cosmic tip: Have confidence in yourself because the Universe has total faith in you.
Gemini Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

The gold nuggets you hold in your heart are waiting to pour out to make a difference in your realm and scope of life, Gemini, but first you must be willing to detox, detach and purge a lot that holds you back – your inner talk included. What is your go to response when faced with something new – “How the heck will I do this?” or “Oh, let’s figure doing this”. Repeated cycles and situations in your life only push you to a lesson most needed – and by choosing courage when you are faced with fear and faith when faced with the unknown is all you got to do to change the name of the game.
Cosmic tip: GO easy on yourself, focussing on progress.
Cancer Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

It’s been time to, “juggle, juggle, juggle”, Cancer and are you depleted or what? Now instead of going into your extreme bitter mode, renouncing the world, perhaps even cribbing your way through things, pause. Breathe. Ask yourself – what has this taught me about what I really want. And be open to the answers you receive. Your current true self is showing up in unexpected ways with your latent gifts opening up in the spur of a moment. You are at the juncture where you can fuse your passion, purpose and your heart while you also take your mind along to carve a niche out for yourself leaving you feeling airy, expansive and with energy and time to invest in all aspects of your life that you deem paramount.
Cosmic tip: You are ready to replace being busy with being productive – and the quantum of time you invest in this is not a limiting factor anymore.
Leo Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

You may see yourself as sawdust, Leo, but remember what makes fairy dust special is the belief that it holds potent magic. Similarly, sawdust can become transformational when you choose to sprinkle it around with intention and integrity. Are you living in a past narrative that feels constricting and limiting? What can you do to turn that story around in your head? It’s as simple as switching from saying, “ I used to have a lot of money until I spent it on my health.” to “ I am so blessed that money supports me when I need it.” The point you are making is the same – the essence is completely shifted.
Cosmic tip: If you open up to receive, opportunities will surround you.
Virgo Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

Focus on your health and wellbeing, Virgo for that is of prime importance. While we get busy chasing the stars we forget that it is not anything else, but simply our bodies – physical or energetic – that stand tall with us until the end of this lifetime. If challenges and issues persist – ask your angels to guide you to healthcare practitioners or lifestyles that you can be consistent with and that can take you a long way. All our health issues have a connection with our emotions and memories – sit with your body for a while and notice where it feels tight. Then simply take a deep breath and release. That part of your body holds a memory waiting to be released and by paying attention to it and loosening your muscles you extend support for it to feel safe once again.
Cosmic tip: Make time for self-care.
Libra Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

Your spiritual or energetic beliefs may be refining themselves and while you may find yourself running from pillar to post, at least within your deepest self, seeking answers and perhaps even praying for solutions to appear. Libra, while it may have come easier in the past to breeze through life with logic, it is not possible anymore to solely rely on your mental faculties. Your heart is expanding, your intuition is getting stronger and your personal faith is also on the rise. Even though you cannot understand the ‘why’ behind this situation, ask the cosmos for signs and only focus on unwrapping what this was here to teach you, or even detangle for you.
Cosmic tip: Often you find answers where and when you least seek them.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

Your heart has purged a lot and while you feel you cannot take it anymore, Scorps, you are welcoming more support and cherished loved ones in your life. Your uniqueness is an important part of your life purpose and the way you do certain things, is the way only you can do those things. Be it touching the lives of those you haven’t yet met or swallowing swords of fire to keep your hearth glowing, or even choosing to set aside conflicts choosing a more expanded outlook in life – you have evolved and grown in ways more than one. Remember that even though you may not have a person in your life anymore, it doesn’t mean they don’t wish you well or that you are not connected to them. You are surrounded by love across the realms. So bask in it for just a bit.
Cosmic tip: Let yourself be seen as you are, because you are beautiful inside and out.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

Your personal power is the one that makes your inner most desires explicit to the Universe. Sag, you are not only untying heaps of karmic knots, but are also awakening to a higher, raised frequency that lets you tap into the cosmic web that connects us all. You don’t need to be a seer or a psychic to be able to do this. You are born with this ability and all you need is to remember that welcoming a life you really want can be as simple as thinking of your friend and your friend calling you! Yes, there are choices to be made in the bargain, but tell us, what doesn’t come with it’s pros and cons?
Cosmic tip: Be trustworthy to welcome trustworthy connections.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

Your biggest hindrance in life are not your lofty ambitions, Capricorn, but your inability to let go of the need to micro-manage and control every bit of detail that goes into your favourite recipe. Now while it is incredible to have the patience and persistence to see things through – pouring your tiniest bit into what you are sculpting, you must also remember to allow the energy of the cosmos to guide your plans and value add to them. When you try to do it all by yourself, the Universe misunderstands it as ‘no help needed’. So set your intentions and let them run wild. Work but also be open to divine intervention.
Cosmic tip: Your feelings are your connection with the higher realms.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

From wholeness to separation, back to wholeness again, Aquarius, this journey has been fulfilling and quite a roller coaster one for you. But guess what your guides have in store for you? Some mind boggling and magical stuff that leads to big, much awaited changes. You need to have a little more faith and a lot more courage to go for your plans. Remember if Source has brought this your way, you are ready for it. Get your communication channels oiled up because you are about to put on a spectacle like never before – enchanting life as it is.
Cosmic tip: Communicate through your heart to understand and be understood.
Pisces Horoscope Today: January 26, 2025

If you’ve been trying hard to walk a linear path while also struggling to keep up, the path may not be the one for you, Pisces. Consider allowing yourself to slump off and ride the entire gamut of your emotions today and perhaps you will realise what it is that is uniquely you at this point. Getting out of the optical illusion of your life, may be the very medicine you need today – so connect with nature, talk to your plants, cuddle with your pets, children or simply go for a walk in the morning sun. you’ve been through a lot lately, and some me -time without any external interference may be just the deal you are looking for.
Cosmic tip: The layers to this situation run deeper than you think. Ask your guides to intervene for speedy and amicable resolution.