Horoscope Today February 18, 2025: Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Aries and other sun signs – check astrological predictions | Horoscope Today

Horoscope Today February 18, 2025: Capricorn, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Aries and other sun signs – check astrological predictions | Horoscope Today

Horoscope Today 18 February 2025:  This is a set of daily horoscopes, one for each of the twelve zodiac signs: Aries faces a turning point in domestic matters, while Taurus shifts to practical planning. Gemini’s romantic wishes may be granted unexpectedly. Cancer’s restlessness may lead to seeking variety, while Leo weighs self-interest against self-sacrifice. Virgo’s emotions could bring a break with the past. Libra’s charm masks underlying irritations. Scorpio enjoys lighter pursuits, but serious discussions loom. Sagittarius consolidates achievements. Capricorn’s travel stars favor global connections. Aquarius benefits from planetary influences on romance and social life. Pisces prioritizes social engagements.

There’s little in the way of short-term planetary aspects these days, but much happening in the way of long-term trends. Therefore, you may expect a long-running domestic saga to reach a turning point. As from today your new emotional cycle encourages partners to take responsibility.

Read Aries today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY :  making concrete plans

If you track the ups and downs in your moods, you’ll realise that you are moving from a period of optimism and faith to one of practical commonsense. It may therefore be time to start making concrete plans. However, many of your choices over the next few weeks will be dropped or amended before long.

Read Taurus today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

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GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY : romantic wishes will be granted

Mercury, planet of the mind, is currently of little help to most people, but is a powerful support for you. You can therefore be sure that your advances will not be rebuffed, and that your romantic wishes will be granted. The final results, though, may not be what you expect.

Read Gemini today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY : may be looking to other people

There seems little question that you are going through a restless phase, and you may be looking to other people to satisfy your need for variety. However, partners may turn to you for support. At work, it is who you know that counts, so you may cultivate people in authority.

Read Cancer today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY : path of self-sacrifice

Astrology is all about choices, and right now you must decide between a course of blatant self-interest and a path of self-sacrifice and service to others. Search out the middle way and don’t get too het up. Mars’ changing motion signifies more relaxed conditions, so enjoy a brief breathing space.

Read Leo today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY : emotional intensity

As the Sun feels Mars’ relentless emotional intensity over the coming two weeks, you will approach a break with the past, possibly severing one particular involvement. You may act now to shape the future to your needs or risk being taken over by fate during the coming few months.

Read Virgo today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

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LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY : life is never that straightforward

On the surface, you can be so charming, and everything seems to be going so well. But life is never that straightforward, and you must accept that, in part, you are driven by irritation or resentment about the past. Your naturally gracious manners will stand you in good stead in coming discussions.

Read Libra today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY : change long-term direction

The emphasis is on the lighter side of life, which should come as a relief. You can afford to push dull routine to one side and get on with enjoyable matters. Serious discussions are in the pipeline, though, and the next week’s invitations will help change your long-term direction.

Read Scorpio today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY : consolidate your achievements

If it’s prestige that you want, you must know that you will earn the respect of your peers and colleagues through following a fairly traditional path. Having established your position, you must now consolidate your achievements and decide whether you are going to stick with a long-term tie, or break it for good.

Read Sagittarius today’s Horoscope Predictions Here


Beneficial travel stars are continuing. If anything, the current planetary influences are more helpful for global connections and adventurous journeys than those which have dominated your chart so often over recent months. Hopefully, changing circumstances will permit you to have a break.

Read Capricorn today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

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AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY : news could come from abroad

You could hardly hope for better planetary allies than Mercury and Venus if romantic life and entertaining are on the agenda, but only if you are prepared to put in the extra effort. It seems very likely that the most significant social news could come from abroad. You’ll be broadening your horizons and deepening your desires.

Read Aquarius today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY : complications will multiply over the next week

The accent is so firmly on your social life that anything else will come as an irritating distraction. If at all possible, try to keep professional obligations and family commitments to a minimum, otherwise complexities and complications will multiply over the next week.

Read Pisces today’s Horoscope Predictions Here

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