See what the stars have in store for your sign.

Walk the line of peace, as your life propels you forward in all the directions you have previously wished for. Virgo this is a time of forward movement, of growth and chasing the stars, while tuning into those inner wells of peace and contentment that surround you. Juggling between two worlds, be it home and family, two jobs, the physical and spiritual, mental or emotional, and more – you are striving to do your best at nurturing relationships and moving ahead in life with grit and perseverance, Aries. Taking your time to assess and feel things through, recalibrating your emotions, re-tuning into your heart space, and reverberating with life have all led you to a point where you are willing to put in the work with focus, dedication and persistence knowing exactly what you are working towards bringing forth in your life, Libra. It’s God given, all this sunshine, these blessings and the new turn of events in your life. Scorpio, the old is coming to a close, and a new world opens up for you – now, take a moment to do a little jig in the sun, shine a little brighter and go for the gold that you can see shining bright near the victory post.
Read on for what the stars have in store for you and make sure you check out your sun, moon and rising signs for the complete picture.
Explore more about your horoscope here.
Aries Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

Juggling between two worlds, be it home and family, two jobs, the physical and spiritual, mental or emotional, and more – you are striving to do your best at nurturing relationships and moving ahead in life with grit and perseverance, Aries. While you may feel torn between worlds , you must remember finding your way through will need you to pave the path ahead with love and strength.
Cosmic tip: The health of a plant depends on the health of it’s room.
Taurus Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

Weigh your options, think things through and make choices based on how much and how far you wish to go. Tiny steps today will lead you to bigger leaps tomorrow, Taurus, now the question remains – what are you willing to choose and work towards? You have support available now, and you will have it even in the future. Choose wisely keeping the long-term picture in mind.
Cosmic tip: Investments today bear fruits tomorrow.
Gemini Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

What is holding you back is your loop getting stuck in the past, Gemini. Adulting may feel overwhelming and as you get a taste of life, it the freedom may feel refreshing but also need you to get your bearings right. COme together, build together and surround yourself only with that which lifts you up – this is the simple rule of life.
Cosmic Tip: Let the drum rolls loose and spread your magic around.
Cancer Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

A new life is finding it’s way to your life from your heart and you are finally laying the foundations of what you have been dreaming of for what seems like ages, Cancer. Suspended mid air, thinking things through, making decisions that align with your core and filtering through the clutter are all needed at this point to hit the reset button and restart building your empire. What worked in the past no longer works for you, and what is to come, needs you to refresh your outlook.
Cosmic Tip: Your patience is paying off slowly and steadily.
Leo Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

Looking at all the ways in which things did not pan out as expected, perhaps even feeling dejected and lost, is not letting you notice where you are currently sitting, Leo. Your mind is full of ripe ideas that will make you feel abundant and already thriving in life. Put in the work that is needed, seek your personal growth, expansion and push your limiting beliefs. Money, resources, love, abundance, health will all be a by product of how passionately you follow your visions.
Cosmic tip: Dress for the job you want, feel like you already have the life you are working towards.
Virgo Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

Walk the line of peace, as your life propels you forward in all the directions you have previously wished for. Virgo this is a time of forward movement, of growth and chasing the stars, while tuning into those inner wells of peace and contentment that surround you. Yes, you may have gone through immense heartache to get to this point, but also, you have successfully turned over a new leaf for the most part, so revel in it’s beauty and bounty for a bit.
Cosmic tip: Your heart’s desires carve a way ahead for you.
Libra Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

Taking your time to assess and feel things through, recalibrating your emotions, re-tuning into your heart space, and reverberating with life have all led you to a point where you are willing to put in the work with focus, dedication and persistence knowing exactly what you are working towards bringing forth in your life, Libra. Walk towards the sunshine, and leave old stories behind.
Cosmic tip: Your willingness to look beyond your current situation has opened up doors for you to walk through.
Scorpio Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

It’s God given, all this sunshine, these blessings and the new turn of events in your life. Scorpio, the old is coming to a close, and a new world opens up for you – now, take a moment to do a little jig in the sun, shine a little brighter and go for the gold that you can see shining bright near the victory post. Just like seeds, your golden tickets will grow into something unimaginably bigger than what you can fathom at this point.
Cosmic tip: Your intentions have brought about a fortunate turn of events in your life.
Sagittarius Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

Integrate your inner child with your present self to flame that fire, dancing away to the beats of the drums playing in your heart. Do you really feel you are not capable? Do you really think your fears are bigger than you? Do you really think the life you want is elusive? Think again, it’s not you, it is your previously limiting beliefs – someone else’s voice in your head that is telling you all this. Shake it off, break free and rise.
Cosmic tip: Talk to your demons encouragingly to dissolve them into light.
Capricorn Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

The bridge between heartache and your dreams is your mental acuity and skill to pierce through thoughts, situations and challenges striking balance and choosing wisdom in each passing moment, Capricorn. Whatever you’ve been wishing upon a star for, is soon to conspire, keep your cards close, your vision big and your focus long-term.
Cosmic tip: What is a headache today, will be your breakthrough in hindsight.
Aquarius Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

The mountains you climbed this year may have broken your back, but Aquarius, they have also refreshed you, brought you peace and a flurry of ideas that have got you deciding, and weighing your decisions and future potentials. As reflective and integrative as this time feels in general, it is meant to lead you to a divine intervention that will make this wait worth it’s while.
Cosmic tip: Steadily mark your progress and strategise your goals.
Pisces Horoscope Today: December 17, 2024

On the other side of your choice is contentment and on the flipside of your work is achievement and fulfilment. Draw into the wisdom being sent in by your star team that leads you to a point of clarity and inner knowing towards all you are willing to settle into in your life. It’s time for bigger, better and more enriching times, and you are fully capable of drawing it all in.
Cosmic Tip: Silence the voices around to listen to the voice within.