Horoscope 27 March, 2025: Build helpful connections, avoid premature decisions, honor buried feelings. Share credit with others, practice selflessness. Financial windfalls possible, thorough spring-cleaning recommended for mind and home.
You’re entering a busy phase, so you’ll probably need all the help you can get. Splendid planetary indications reinforce the region of your chart ruling friends and acquaintances. You may follow your stars and build up a network of contacts for use at work as well as in your leisure life.
TAURUS HOROSCOPE: pressure to move home
The period you are now entering will put amazing pressure on you to move home. I’m talking, by the way, in terms of a time-scale of at least six months, but the point is that any premature decision will either not come to pass or be severely delayed.
GEMINI HOROSCOPE: integrity is a must
Long-buried feelings and desires should come to the surface, and quite right, too. This is a positive phase, favouring all long-term adventures and far-flung possibilities. Integrity is a must. The moment your standards slip, then your plans will begin to come unstuck.
CANCER HOROSCOPE: spread the word
You must be at some pains to point out that obstacles are not your responsibility. However, if you can possibly also spread the word that you are not solely to thank for a number of favourable moves, and that other people should share the credit, then your humility will eventually be rewarded.
LEO HOROSCOPE: selflessness wins the day
Please don’t imagine that you have been passed by. There is enough in today’s stars to indicate that should you accept first that cooperation is vital, and second, that other people’s feelings should be taken into account. In other words, selflessness wins the day!
VIRGO HOROSCOPE: fresh responsibilities
There’s still no let-up at work. In fact, there is every indication that life is about to get even busier. Please don’t grumble, for consciously or unconsciously, you are inviting fresh responsibilities and letting yourself in for extra hard work.
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LIBRA HOROSCOPE: give all personal contacts your fullest attention
Your romantic and social prospects are not perfect, but you’re ninety-five percent there. Do give all personal contacts, from the most intimate liaisons right down to casual meetings, your fullest attention. The last thing you want to do now is make a slip that will upset someone who matters to you.
SCORPIO HOROSCOPE: wait until the dust settles
Everything that I have said about the potential for change at home continues, yet in a far more intense fashion. If I were you, I’d wait until the dust settles before acting on current feelings. Perhaps, though, you can press on with small and unimportant plans.
SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE: share all your desires, hopes and plans
If you’re holding discussions, conducting a debate or attending an interview, well done: you are absolutely and totally in tune with your stars. In any case, please do make a point of sharing all your desires, hopes and plans with everyone who is concerned, however remotely.
CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE: better than average chance of a windfall
The financial indications are contradictory, but I’d say you’re in with a better than average chance of a windfall. The important point is not to get bound up with the details of income and expenditure, but to resolve to deal with money better. A positive attitude now equals prosperity in the future.
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AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE: get into top gear
Get into top gear and take control. At work, at home, in love and in business, this is the day to make a fresh start. Psychological and material spring-cleaning should be comprehensive, thorough and all-embracing. Leave no stone unturned.
PISCES HOROSCOPE: be as flexible as you can
You may try to make things easier for yourself by being as flexible as you can over long-term emotional engagements. Your standards are high and getting higher, so you must know what you want of yourself before demanding it of others. That’s only fair.