Horoscope Today, 22 March 2025: Cancer, Sagittarius, Virgo, Aries, Aquarius, and other sun signs — check astrological predictions | Horoscope Today

Horoscope Today, 22 March 2025: Cancer, Sagittarius, Virgo, Aries, Aquarius, and other sun signs — check astrological predictions | Horoscope Today

Horoscope 22 March, 2025: Long-term cycles significant, adventurous instincts awakening. Patience required for some, while others see hopeful developments crystallising. Practical matters and charitable behavior bring rewards. Social involvements take unexpected turns.

The future will be the present sooner then you think – and it’s tomorrow’s stars which are important rather than today’s. It’s your long-term cycle which is significant, emphasising the spirit of adventure and personal liberation both in professional and private affairs.

TAURUS HOROSCOPE: time to travel

The planets are once again provoking your often neglected, adventurous instincts. It’s time to travel, taking in places which are odd, unusual and different. If you can’t get away now, make plans for later in the year. Even your romantic feelings could be stirred by people from far away.

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GEMINI HOROSCOPE: extremely powerful but very confused

Your current planetary alignments are undoubtedly extremely powerful, but are also very confused. You may have no option but to lie low and postpone certain ambitions, no matter how impatient you may feel. Continue to focus on financial discussions, though.

CANCER HOROSCOPE: crystallise all that is best and most hopeful

The planets are starting to crystallise all that is best and most hopeful in your life, setting you up for years to come. Much depends on your ability to handle close partnerships, and to create a sort of extended feel-good factor. But sometimes, though, you can want too much – much more than is really on offer.

LEO HOROSCOPE: giving first priority to practical chores

Aside from reminding you of the need to give the first priority to dealing with practical chores, I would remind you of the virtues of charitable behaviour, if only out of self-interest. In some strange way you will gain from putting others first for a change.

VIRGO HOROSCOPE: social involvements should take a leap into the unknown

Social, political and community involvements should take a leap into the unknown. You will be glad of all your group involvements even if the consequences last week were not exactly what you intended. At least now you can make up for an old muddle.

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LIBRA HOROSCOPE: fabulous professional success combined with dramatic moves

The dual prospect is held out of fabulous professional success combined with dramatic moves at home. Take your chances and go for family and domestic changes if that is what concerns you most. All Libran artists, athletes and lovers take strength from today’s lunar patterns.

SCORPIO HOROSCOPE: time to be high-minded and high-principled

It’s time to be high-minded and high-principled, though not pompous or self-righteous. If you’ve a list of practical tasks, give a priority to anything with legal or overseas consequences. Long-distance travel and trips could well bring more than you bargained for.

SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE: you’re much too big a person

Have you ever had the feeling that family members are ganging up on you? Well, they probably are. I wouldn’t worry, though, because you’re much too big a person to be put off by such silly games. Relax and have a laugh, even if the monetary scene is a little complex.

CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE: open yourself up to new experiences

This is no time to behave like a conventional, conservative Capricorn. Why not open yourself up to new experiences and appreciate all that other people have to offer? You can accept all unusual invitations – and don’t be embarrassed by generosity.

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AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE: all that is most noble in the Aquarian character

The weekend’s special planetary alignment enhances all that is most noble in the Aquarian character – your selfless idealism and devotion to others. The only drawback is that you may become much too tied up in your own deep imaginary hopes and fears.

PISCES HOROSCOPE: showing a new, bolder side of your character

You’ll soon be showing a new, bolder side of your character. Your social skills will come in useful over the next few months, mainly as a result of the current magical Jupiterian pattern. You are gradually overcoming your shyness and lack of confidence. Well done!

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