Here’s What Mars Retrograde in Cancer Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Here’s What Mars Retrograde in Cancer Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Mars is making moves.

The red planet is retrograding once again, leaving Leo and returning to Cancer on Jan. 6 where it initially resided at 17 degrees in October 2024.

A retrograde is when a planet appears to be moving backward in the cosmos from our vantage point on Earth, however, it’s simply an optical illusion to the naked eye. Despite its lack of physical movement, its astrological effects can be felt quite significantly.

Mars, in particular, turns retrograde approximately every two years (or 26 months) for around three months. However, due to its pre- and post-shadows, the complete duration of a Mars retrograde spans nearly seven months.

Celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas tells PEOPLE exclusively that Mars retrogrades are “most intense” when they seemingly move back in the sky, though, he’s sure to note that the “lead up and fade away” in the months before and after its peak “can still be felt” within us all.

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When a planet retrogrades, Thomas says “the things that it rules tend to go awry” in addition to what is ruled by the sign it’s entering. For Cancer, he says those themes include “home, family, traditions, ancestors, domesticity, real estate and parents.”

“Cancer is also deeply tied to emotions,” he adds, explaining that the Mars retrograde in this zodiac sign could have us experience “a delay” around the aforementioned themes or “revisit situations and people” involved within those areas.

Thomas also notes that Cancer has a tie to “past lives,” therefore, he predicts that “past life connections and karmic entanglements” could return to us during this time. He says Mars is also “weakened” in this zodiac sign.

As a result, Thomas puts forth that this particular transit might be “especially difficult” as we are “forced to face” combative and frustrating energy “even more than usual.” He adds, “Our emotions will be what leads us into or away from battle.”

Read on for what Mars retrograde in Cancer could mean for your zodiac sign, according to Thomas’ predictions!

Aries (March 20-April 19)



Change is upon you, Aries. “Your planetary ruler is diving into different seas,” Thomas makes known.

“This is likely to cause your emotions and feelings to become especially fired up and combustible,” he predicts. “You could find that you feel consistently on edge, are especially triggered or overly sensitive in the weeks ahead.”

Your personal life may be impacted, too, with Thomas predicting “friction” around familiar or domestic matters. “You could feel like these situations are grinding your nerves,” he says.

Taurus (April 19-May 20)



Yikes, Taurus! Everything will seem to get on your nerves at this time, so Thomas says it’s “extremely important” to watch what you say despite feeling on edge.

Why? “People are paying more attention to you, especially on social media and in your closer circle,” he says. “Friends, neighbors and even siblings” are a few examples of people of example who could be in the impact zone.

“You could find more friction or fighting in regards to these individuals now,” Thomas continues. “A clash of ideas could be upon you, causing you to feel provoked and frustrated.”

Elsewhere in his prediction, he says you could find “delays or challenges” around communication-related endeavors like writing, speaking or advertising projects. “Go with a slower pace so you don’t rock the boat,” he suggests.

Gemini (May 20-June 20)



Money on the mind, Gemini? In the next phase of this Mars retrograde, Thomas predicts “there will likely be a great deal of frustration around financial matters.”

He puts forth a few examples. “Perhaps you’re spending cash faster than ever and burning a hole in your wallet or bank account,” he says. “You could also find that money is stagnant or drying up and people are refusing to pay your worth.”

During this time, you might feel inclined to “charge forth into battle” around these financial issues. However, Thomas. notes it may be best to “take a step back” instead of jumping at the matter.

Cancer (June 20-July 22)



You’re in the epicenter of the action, Cancer. “You could feel like you’re suddenly crashing into a brick wall now that Mars retrograde has returned to your zodiac sign,” says Thomas.

“The greatest cosmic storms could be affecting you at this time,” he adds, noting that you may be feeling frustrated, triggered, fired up and combative at every turn. “Exes, enemies and karmic connections could be coming your way in regards to passion, conflict, sex, ambition and desire.”

Leo (July 22-Aug. 22)



The past month has been especially rocky, Leo, but starting now, Mars retrograde leaves your zodiac sign. Instead, it will go into an area that focuses on “the unseen.” You could be suddenly squaring off with hidden enemies — in the form of people who have it out for you or competitors scheming to steal your thunder.

On a different note, it could be that you’re extremely burnt out and your mental health is suffering. Last, if you’ve been deeply invested in projects behind the scenes, they could hit a roadblock now.

Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 22)



Prepare for the uncomfortable, Virgo. “You’re going to feel friction in your social life,” Thomas predicts.

“You could literally be facing out with friends, people in your network or an ex,” he says. “This is not the time to jump into battle with them and raise your pitchfork and torch, as you could be thrown under the bus.”

“Community matters and situations involving multiple people could also be causing you tension,” continues Thomas. “Elsewhere, if you’ve been working towards accomplishing a major milestone or aspiration, you may find that it’s just a bit out of reach.”

Related: Your Ultimate 2025 Virgo Horoscope, as Predicted by a Celebrity Astrologer 

Libra (Sept. 22-Oct. 22)



The onset of Mars retrograde might not have impacted you negatively, Libra. In fact, Thomas says you may have “reconnected with many pals and acquaintances” over the past month.

As stars turn, however, he predicts “cosmic storms are approaching your career, professional life and recognition.” For instance, he says “you may find friction at work or that you’re clashing with authority figures at this time.”

On a separate note, Thomas says you may find that “climbing the corporate or professional ladder is harder now.” He adds, “But you could be in luck if you’d like to return to previous projects, ambitions or an employer.”

Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21)



You could be in luck, Scorpio! “The rest of Mars retrograde could be less rocky for you,” according to Thomas’ predictions.

“You’ve certainly had it tough in the month prior. Mars retrograde now is encouraging you to review how you approach expansion, growth and new horizons,” he says. “This could be an excellent time to revisit locations or cultures that are very different from your norm.”

However, Thomas says there are some areas that may see “challenges,” too, with themes including media, legalities, academic matters and immigration and international relations. He advises you to “prepare for battle” if that’s the case!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)



Mind your money, Sagittarius! “You may find that major tension appears around wealth matters now,” Thomas puts forth.

“This could be causing you to burn through major cash or invest in significant large-scale matters. Friction tied to assets, investments, debts or inheritance may arise, too,” he predicts. “You may be combative if your intimate needs are not being met.”

Related: Your Ultimate 2025 Sagittarius Horoscope, as Predicted by a Celebrity Astrologer

Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)



Karma tied to partnerships may arise, Capricorn. “You could be going head to head with a significant partner in love, collaboration or business,” Thomas predicts.

“Launching a full-scale attack now wouldn’t be wise, as you are nearly guaranteed to lose,” he says. “Instead, you need to take a step back and be strategic to manage the mission.”

On a different note, Thomas says you may also find that partners from the past “return to face you yet again.” If you want to give the relationship another chance, he suggests seeing if you are “both on the same page” before committing.

Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)



Does it seem like your checklist is never-ending, Aquarius? “Work and productivity could feel like you’re pushing a boulder uphill and everything could feel taxing and draining at this time,” says Thomas.

“Some may also be dealing with exhaustion or health problems because of this transit,” he adds. “Challenges around projects, clients or coworkers could be at hand since it affects your employment, too.”

Pisces (Feb. 18-March 20)



Avoid drama at all costs, Pisces. Various areas of your life could be affected during Mars retrograde back into Cancer.

“You could find stagnation or tension around love, romance, courtship, hobbies, sports, art projects, children and fertility,” predicts Thomas. “The best thing to do is to proceed slowly and understand all matters at hand. This is absolutely not a time to go official with a sweetheart.”

On a separate note, Thomas says “exes and previous lovers could be lurking in the shadows for another taste… or to burn you down.” He adds, “Even though this could be a rocky period, the best way to harness this energy is to step away from the drama.”

Read the original article on People

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