ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: finance your dreams
Planetary activity is certain to make you realise that you must have more money if you are to finance your dreams. A little more of the old filthy lucre would go a long way towards easing certain personal restraints. It’s not that you want money for its own sake, but for the good it can do.
TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: you expect them to be fair to you
There are clear sign-posts as to the next step, but you may not see them until tomorrow, or even the day after. Get on the phone, write letters and ask anybody who will give a candid answer, what you should be doing. You don’t have to follow all their advice – just some of it!
GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: express your thoughts
Even though it is difficult to express your thoughts, needs and desires with any clarity, I don’t think this should hold you back. Say the first thing that comes into your mind, but listen carefully to partners’ responses. And never believe that you are automatically right: you’re not!
CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: high priority to personal contacts
Press ahead with social plans and give a high priority to personal contacts at work. It will all seem very worthwhile, but, in point of fact, by tomorrow you may be inclined to withdraw your favours. Perhaps you’ll begin to see old information in a new light.
LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: sense of duty and honour
Jealousy, resentment or fear on the part of someone close is always likely to burst out. Yet if you can possibly exert a little personal discipline, others will thank you for your sense of duty and honour. If you do the right and proper thing, then friends and family are bound to respect you much more, even if you don’t have so much fun.
VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: prepared to take more on trust
In some small way a new dawn is coming. Some kind of reawakening is about to take place and, within a few days, you might be prepared to take more on trust. You may have a secret and you’ll certainly be in the know to an extent which others may envy.
LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: make a few skillful purchases
Business-minded types should be on top form today. It is time to make a few skillful purchases and profitable investments. Those in the property market or spending money on the home will succeed particularly well. It’s a question of buying what you need rather than what you want.
SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: restore a friendship
You have learned a great deal about self-preservation and I doubt if anyone will be able to undermine you. You can reach out and restore a friendship that has gone adrift, and put on a pleasant face for new acquaintances. You may also begin to feel passions stirring in surprising ways.
SAGGITARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: work ethic rears its head
Sometimes you just have to knuckle down and get on with the tasks in hand. The work ethic rears its head, and you may have to pay a great deal of attention to your duties and obligations. You have a much greater capacity to work in a methodical and routine manner than associates often believe.
CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: make the most of all contacts
Far too much time has already been expended on unnecessary disputes or conflicts. Today, I’d advise you to look only on the bright side and to make the most of all contacts with friends and partners. I once heard someone say that our friends are our greatest treasure. How true!
AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: phase of expansion and improvement
These are still early days. I’d say that one phase of expansion and improvement is now complete and that you should begin to retrench. If you’re making long-range plans, put down a marker for about four months’ time, and set that as the target for achieving your personal goals.
PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: encouraged to prove yourself
It seems to have been a long time since you were encouraged to prove yourself. Actually, you have dodged one or two opportunities that you might have done better to accept. Still, that’s all in the past now. You finally appear able to face up to the future.