Crufts 2025 Day 4 full list of every breed winner for Working and Pastoral dogs

Crufts 2025 Day 4 full list of every breed winner for Working and Pastoral dogs

These are all the best of breed winners for the working and pastoral dogs on the fourth and final day of Crufts 2025

Melanie Raymond from Solihull with Shake, an Australian Shepherd, which was Best of Breed and went on to win the Pastoral Group at Crufts 2025
Melanie Raymond from Solihull with Shake, an Australian Shepherd, which was Best of Breed and went on to win the Pastoral Group at Crufts 2025(Image: BeatMedia / The Royal Kennel Club)

The last day of Crufts 2025 has involved judging all the pastoral and working dogs to find the best of each breed.

These winners then compete to be named best in the whole group, making them a finalist for Best in Show.

In the Working Group, it was the Bernese Mountain Dog that dominated with 159 dogs at the show, followed by the Newfoundland (140), Siberian Husky (138) and Rottweiler (138).

Meanwhile, the Border Collie dominated the Pastoral Group with 300 dogs competing. The next most popular contenders were the Shetland Sheepdog (257), Bearded Collie (228), Rough Collie (197) and Pembroke Welsh Corgi (155).


Full list of Working breed winners 2025

Alaskan Malamute: Multi Ch Contract with The Devil Sielos Misterija Euw Int Jch (Miss G. Tamasauskaite)

Bernese Mountain Dog: Ch Carraigbern Noble Heart of Rodiveco (IKC) (Mr G & Mr L & Ms V Dybdall & Lydon & Hughes)

Bouvier Des Flandres: Ch Nikolaev Malbec (Mrs L Nichols)

Boxer: Ch Macbarra Kickin Up A Storm at Glenauld JW (Misses L & S Mair)

Bullmastiff: Ch Angel’s Phoenix Ron Weasley Astonpride JW (Imp Ita) (Mr R & Mrs K & Miss F Aston & Aston & Pavesi)

Canadian Eskimo Dog: Aavuuta Qimmiq Akiak ShCEx (Imp Can) Bel/ir Jch (Mrs P A Byrne)

Dobermann: Ch/lux Ch Korifey Vanquish (Mrs A L & Ms I Jones & Ushakova)

Dogue De Bordeaux: Poseidon Red Beauty Bordeaux Ned/lux J Ch (Mrs M Arnts), did not compete in group judging as owner had to catch the ferry home

German Pinscher: Fr/lux/int Ch Sally De La Capelliere (Mrs Anne Bazot-Bourroux)

Giant Schnauzer: Ch Black Alma Xia (Mrs F Vallet)

Great Dane: Primus Diamonds Are Forever Samdice (Mr J C, Mrs H & Miss C Dyson)

Great Swiss Mountain Dog: Multi Ch Watson Shiragon Pol Jch (Mrs Z Bladowska)

Greenland Dog: Bel/esp/ire/int Ch Fenrirkin Can’t Be Late ShCEx Sui Jch (Miss A J Blaney)

Hovawart: Ir Ch Micona Coconut Cream An Ch 23 Cw23 Cen JW Cen W Ir Jch (Mr M & Mrs B Bos)

Leonberger: Sulandi Electric Storm (Mrs D & Miss L Whan)

Mastiff: Sculpted by Nature at Elljayart (Mr S D & Mrs T B Andrews)

Neapolitan Mastiff: Makaevo Georgio (Mr M Evans)

Newfoundland: Ch Sandbears Masterpiece (Ms S Blake)

Portuguese Water Dog: Ch/can Grchb/can/am Ch Macduff’s Critical Acclaim (Imp Can) (Mr B C & Ms L G & Miss M Williams & Newton & Slack)

Rottweiler: Ch Fantasa Lucky Seven (Miss M Dunhill-Hall)

Russian Black Terrier: It/kzs Ch Lisander Shooting Star over The Rainbow Jch (Mrs A. M. Mura)

St Bernard: Best in breed was not confirmed as dog did not pass the veterinary health checks to proceed into group judging

Siberian Husky: Lupacchiotto Made You Look (Miss S Whatsley)

Tibetan Mastiff: Dzhozias Viking (Mr V Molnar) GROUP WINNER

Any Variety Imported Breed Register (Entlebucher Mountain Dog): Dj Bruno von Semberweiden (Mr Lubos Novy)

Full list of Pastoral breed winners 2025

Anatolian Shepherd Dog: Sunlions Rekortmen (Miss K Stewart)

Australian Cattle Dog: Limaband Expedito (Mr Paolo Coletta)

Australian Shepherd: Shepherds of Paradise Tsss Milk Shake Please! (Miss P Laroche) GROUP WINNER

Bearded Collie: Ch Corimist Destiny by Design (Miss N & Ms J Whelan & Young)

Beauceron: Fr Ch/am Gr Ch Surreal Des Gardiens D’apollinaire Rn Bcat Cgca/u Tkn Rato Nhat Nhato (Ms I & Ms A Phillips & Robertson)

Belgian Shepherd Dog (Groenendael): Ch Domburg Can’t Say No to Cairbar *** (Ms S. K. Morris)

Belgian Shepherd Dog (Laekenois): Laeken Paradis Simba-Leffe at Ashjack (Imp Bel) (J Snook)

Belgian Shepherd Dog (Malinois): Ch Foryd Denali at Hawksflight *** (Miss N, Mrs L & Miss S Mackie, Lester & Smith)

Belgian Shepherd Dog (Tervueren): Ch Domburg Made by Hawksflight (N, L & S Mackie, Lester & Smith)

Border Collie: Sh Ch Fayken I Am Love JW (Mr R K & Miss J Green & Ratcliffe)

Briard: Ch Gilcoru Wolfblass D’brie (Mrs N Rual Keogh)

Catalan Sheepdog: Prt Gch Jado De Pastores del Pas (Mr J.r. Carvalho)

Collie (Rough): Tremaro Kind of Magic (Mr Rp & Mrs Ma Shipp)

Collie (Smooth): Ch Blamorder Makers Mark JW (Mr D & Mrs T & Miss Ag Holmes & Holmes & Lusty)

Estrela Mountain Dog: Ir Ch J’ursa Da Acinomagricultura (Ms J Haslett)

Finnish Lapphund: Ch Arianrhod Black Sun Aeon at Muzoku (Ms T & Mr E Forsey)

German Shepherd Dog: Evawell Eliisa (N De Paule)

Hungarian Puli: Ch Tyngeli Make Believe at Vilmos (Mrs J Bodle)

Hungarian Pumi: Lt Ch Serteperti Hanka Multi Jch (Ms M Szypulska)

Komondor: Int & Multi Ch Somogyi Betyár Királylány (Mrs A-M Kähkönen)

Lancashire Heeler: Utthanshavan Wolf Moon Man (Mrs W Mcbride)

Maremma Sheepdog: Cro Ch Reate Dei Cani Di Varrone (Mr R Palozzi)

Norwegian Buhund: Frostisen Zeffer (Mrs J.c. & Mr D.c. Langford)

Old English Sheepdog: Int/ir Ch Griland Texas Ranger Jch Cen JW (Mrs A Rogala)

Polish Lowland Sheepdog: Pol/nld Ch Ponadto Zacny Zanadto W22/24 Cw22/23 (Miss Anna Dominiak)

Pyrenean Mountain Dog: Se/no/fin Ch Vi’skaly’s Klas Pontus Arnoldson (Mrs I Mattisson-Sandstrom)

Pyrenean Sheepdog (Long Haired): Sandytrail Sauterelle (Mr E & Mrs S Flint)

Samoyed: Ch Vandreem Imperial Ripasso JW (Mrs A & Miss K & Miss N & Mr B Jebson & Jebson & King & Jebson)

Shetland Sheepdog: Ch/Ir Ch Longrange Cailin Dubh Cw22 Cen W Cen Ch An Ch 22/23 (Mrs C Dunne)

Swedish Vallhund: Se/dk/nu/fi/nord Ch Danga’s Ecke Goteson (Mrs I Johannesson)

Turkey Kangal Dog: D/nl/lux Ch Werner*** (Mr Th. Wilken)

Welsh Corgi (Cardigan): Nld/lux/int/deu Ch Waggerland Big Bang Ww’22 (Mrs Rcm Dijkhorst-Noij)

Welsh Corgi (Pembroke): Multi Ch Aurorus Lunaris Ex Valhalos Sargas (Mrs J Xu)

Any Variety Imported Breed Register (Hungarian Kuvasz): Multi Ch Halasi-Pásztor Gubanc (Mrs K Anett)

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