Arrest at Topgolf lot | Naperville Central star cookie collaboration | Rollerblading Naperville senior

Arrest at Topgolf lot | Naperville Central star cookie collaboration | Rollerblading Naperville senior

Naperville police make fourth gun-related arrest at Topgolf parking lot since February

A fourth gun-related arrest has been made in the vicinity of the Naperville Topgolf parking lot this year. 

Juan Ricardo Gomez, 43, of Griffith, Indiana, has been charged with one count of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon.

Read more about the incident.

Naperville basketball star teams up with cookie shop for new treat

March Madness just got a whole lot sweeter, thanks to Naperville Central High School basketball star Trinity Jones.

To commemorate the NCAA tournament, Jones teamed up with Naperville cookie shop Half Baked Goodness to launch a new treat: the Trinfetti cookie.

Learn more about the cookie collaboration.

Forest Preserve District of Will County names new executive director

The Forest Preserve District of Will County’s Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the appointment of Tracy Chapman to executive director at its March 13 meeting, according to a news release.

Chapman will fill the role of current executive director Ralph Schultz, who is set to retire in May after working 32 years with the district.

Chapman has been with the Will County Forest Preserve for over 20 years, most recently serving as deputy director and public safety administrator since 2021. She began her career with the district as a police officer in 2004 and was named chief of police in 2016.

Rolling into his 80s: Naperville senior stays active on wheels

Though some may step away from physical activities as they age, 79-year-old Naperville resident Rugang Jiang put the wheels in motion on a new hobby…rollerblading.

Hear more about his rollerblading journey and watch him in action.

Tips for teaching kids digital literacy and healthy tech use

Digital wellness expert Amy Blankson recently gave parents tips for helping their kids balance screen time and digital tasks, in a presentation for the GPS Parent Series, a collection of free, public talks that support parenting and youth development.

Find out Blankson’s top three tips for raising digitally wise kids.

By land and by sea: Aiden Hulett excels on the track and in the pool for Benet Academy

Benet Academy’s Aiden Hulett accomplished a feat rarely seen in high school sports. 

Coming from a family of swimmers, Aiden experienced success in both distance running and swimming at a young age, which encouraged him to continue both sports into high school.

Hear more about his achievements on both fronts.

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