Amid Great Chase, Tiger and Boar Call a Truce After Falling into Well and Waiting for Rescuers

Amid Great Chase, Tiger and Boar Call a Truce After Falling into Well and Waiting for Rescuers

Credit: Pench National Park via Instagram

A tiger and a boar were recently rescued from the depths of a well in rural India.

Located near the Pench National Park and Tiger Reserve, authorities said the pair fell in during the former’s hunting of the latter.

Rescuing an animal from the hazards of human civilization is hardly newsworthy, but remarkable video footage of the animals in the well leads one to consider that maybe a truce was struck between them.

Thrashing around in the water, separate footage shows the tiger pawing at the boar, but not striking.

Located in a village in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, the young tigress was hunting the boar when the two fell down the well. The villagers called park wildlife authorities and watched as the two animals hopelessly treaded water down below.

Arriving on the scene, rescuers lowered a cot to form a makeshift platform the animals could climb onto. Using a crane they also lowered a steel cage, as bringing the tigress up unrestrained was simply too dangerous.

At first, the animals are wary of the platform, but gradually the tigress climbs on, while the boar, virtually using her back as an assist, mounts the cot and sits fur-to-fur with its would-be predator.

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The tigress slowly enters the cage, and the door slides down trapping her inside to the celebrations of the crowd of onlookers above.

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Both animals (and their tails) were released separately back into the forest, after, if GNN were forced to hazard a guess, the tigress offered the boar a 3-day headstart.

WATCH the video below… 

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