ARIES HOROSCOPE TODAY: General conditions are genuinely prosperous
Mars, planet of assertion and energy, encourages a high-spending mentality. General conditions are genuinely prosperous and profitable, but it’s up to you to pick the offers that provide real rewards and avoid those which could lead you up a blind alley. It’s all in the small print!
TAURUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: you are not known as an impatient or intolerant person
You are not known as an impatient or intolerant person, but you do have your belligerent side. It’s not that I think arguments are wrong that I advise caution now, but since it looks as if you may go off at half-cock, you could actually make matters worse. Stay cool and make things better!
GEMINI HOROSCOPE TODAY: Business influences loom large
Business influences loom large. We’re talking about commitments in the order of large purchases, domestic outlay and even property acquisitions. Overall, it’s not a time for bargains. Your extravagant tendencies extend towards partnership proposals, and a lavish gesture could secure your ends.
CANCER HOROSCOPE TODAY: Look forward beyond immediate strains
Look forward beyond immediate strains and see that your innate charm and personal grace are your biggest joint asset. Be confident and realise that, with a flutter of your eyelashes and a discreet wink, you can wrap almost anyone around your little finger.
LEO HOROSCOPE TODAY: You are currently blessed with remarkable sensitivity and intuition
You are currently blessed with remarkable sensitivity and intuition. The only question is whether you can distinguish genuine perceptions from idle hopes, wishes and fears. This is not as easy as it sounds, especially as the facts seem to be shielded by a layer of fantasy.
VIRGO HOROSCOPE TODAY: you’re after justice rather than revenge
A colleague or business associate should be taken to task although, if legal questions are on the agenda, you may be motivated by the broad spirit rather than the precise letter of the law. In other words, you’re after justice rather than revenge!
LIBRA HOROSCOPE TODAY: Any and all devious actions may be about to blow up in your face
If you have been using finances as a lever to pressurise other people or have applied money as a means of emotional manipulation, then please take care. Any and all such devious actions may be about to blow up in your face. And that’s precisely why you’d better play it straight.
SCORPIO HOROSCOPE TODAY: remember that current planetary influences tend to make you impulsive
If you’re undecided, then why don’t you wait until after the weekend before taking a firm choice as to the next stage or phase of activity. Above all, remember that current planetary influences tend to make you impulsive, reckless and liable to go over the top.
SAGITTARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: You have some very intense needs at the moment
You have some very intense needs at the moment, like your desire to be understood for a start! You’re also in an ambitious mood; self-motivation is all very well, but you may pick up the wrong end of the stick. Don’t take secret fears and worries too seriously. For some reason, your imagination is trying to wind you up!
CAPRICORN HOROSCOPE TODAY: you’re picking up mixed messages from close partners
It’s an uneven moment and you’re picking up mixed messages from close partners. Even if all is sweetness and light there are rumblings of discontent. If you are able, you must be flexible with people who deserve your consideration, but firm with those who do not.
AQUARIUS HOROSCOPE TODAY: You may feel pulled in two directions
You may feel pulled in two directions, not necessarily a bad thing. You’ll re-examine your choices and review all outstanding options. Over the coming days, home and family, emotion and intellect, imagination and practicality will appear as irreconcilable. The truth, however, may point in a different direction.
PISCES HOROSCOPE TODAY: You may have become accustomed to being used as a sounding board for other people’s complaints
You may have become accustomed to being used as a sounding board for other people’s complaints and problems. Possibly you should tell partners and colleagues to stop whingeing and get on with their lives. But do so in a way which doesn’t offend unnecessarily.
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