Meet King Kong, tallest water buffalo in world, eats 35kg of food daily, he is from…

Kong was born on April 1, 2021, and from that moment, it was clear that he was bigger than other calves.

Meet King Kong, tallest water buffalo in world, eats 35kg of food daily, he is from...
Meet King Kong, tallest water buffa lo in world, eats 35kg of food daily, he is from…

King Kong, from Thailand, clinched the Guinness World Record (GWR) for the world’s tallest living water buffalo. Nearly five years old, this water buffalo has gained a height of 6 ft 0.8 inches, 20 inches taller than average water buffaloes. King Kong lives at Ninlanee Farm in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand. Kong was born on April 1, 2021, and from that moment, it was clear that he was bigger than other calves. Let’s know more about King Kong.

The person who takes care of the big guy is Cherpatt Wutti. According to her, Kong’s parents are still alive at Ninlanee Farm.

“We noticed right away that he was much taller than the other water buffalo!” King Kong was born on Ninlanee Farm and his mum and dad still live there, with many other water buffalo and horses.

Daily Routine Of The World’s Tallest Living Water Buffalo

The tallest water buffalo wakes up at 6 am and plays in the pond. After that, he is given a shower before breakfast. His diet includes 35 kg of food every day. King Kong loves munching on straw and corn. Then, at 5.30 pm the buffalo has a second shower before dinner.

Not Aggressive

Despite his massive stature, King Kong is not known for being aggressive. Rather, he possesses a playful and gentle demeanor, leading to his nickname as a “big softy.” According to Cherpatt, “He is very obedient. He enjoys playing, being scratched, and interacting with people. He is quite friendly, resembling a large, powerful puppy on the farm.”

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