As many as 9.85 lakh people were challaned last year in Chandigarh. While almost 5 lakh people were challaned for jumping the red light, 1.46 lakh were penalised for speeding.
According to the data shared by Chandigarh traffic police, 9,85,451 challans were issued from January 1 to December 31, 2024. The challans, which include both from device and ITMS system, brought revenue of Rs 23 crore for the traffic police.
The top category in the violations was jumping red light and dangerous driving, which invited 4.97 lakh challans, followed by speeding (1.46 lakh challans), and zebra crossing (1.10 lakh challans).
Last year, female drivers or pillion riders riding without helmet were also challaned in huge numbers, with 52,544 being penalised. In the same category for males, as many as 32,258 were challaned.
In 2024, 26,080 people were also challaned for wrong parking in the city, followed by 5,108 for driving on cycle tracks or footpath. As many as 7,014 people were challaned for wrong-side driving and 1,532 for using mobile phones while driving.
As many as ,988 people were challaned for taking a U-turn, where it was prohibited and 6,500 people were challaned for using black film in their four-wheelers windows. Also, 5,666 people were challaned for having a non-legible number plate (where vehicle registration numbers and letters are difficult or impossible to read clearly), and 2,367 for triple riding.
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